Akira silently stared at the man before him.  Yep same face like the one at the castle, yet personality wise, is a bit…..off from each other.                        “You look so…..carefree.  Definitely different form the morning track team.” Kamoshida commented.  Ryuji’s glare intensed as he growled viciously.  “Buzz off it’s your fault that-” “You brat!  How dare you speak that way to Mr. Kamoshida!” The counselor interrupted with a yell.  “What the hell why does that matter to you!?” Ryuji shouted back.  “There’s not much leeway left for you, you know?  You want to get expelled?” The counselor threatened.  “Tch, this is a load of bullshit!” Ryuji protested again.  “Quit complaining you’ll have enough time to explain yourself!  Follow me!” The counselor shouted again.  Beforehand, Kamoshida place his large hand on the counselor’s shoulder and flashed his girthy white teeth.  “Now, now.  We were both to blame for this.  I’ll be considerate for now.” he said.

        Surprisingly to Akira, that managed to calm the agitated counselor as he relaxed his stiff shoulders.  “Hm if you say so, but you’re still coming with me.  That doesn’t change the fact that you’re incredibly late.” he said.  Unable to argue anymore, Ryuji gave in.  “Fine…” he mumbled with his head hung down.  As the blond walked up the stairs, he gave one last nasty glare at Kamoshida before he followed the counselor inside the school.  Kamoshida was now left alone with Akira who has been silently watching the whole scene unfold.  “You…” Kamoshida started off.  “Yes?” Akira replied.  “You’re Akira Kurusu right?  The transfer student?” With a nod the boy replied.  “Yes that’s me.”  Kamoshida sighed and crossed his arms.  “I’ll overlook this for now, but if you cause any trouble in this school, you’ll be expelled.  Understood?” he asked with a threatening frown.  Unfazed by that look however, Akira averted his eyes from him and gave a small smirk.  ‘Can’t you overlook more?’ he joked in his head.  “Well?” Kamoshida pushed on with an arched eyebrow.  Rolling his onyx colored eyes, Akira’s smirked grew as he nodded.  “Yes ‘sir’." he replied adding a bit of sarcasm in his voice.  Ignoring his sarcastic response, Kamoshida grinned at him.  “At anycase you should hurry to the faculty office.  Ms. Kawakami has waited long enough for you.” he said as he turned his back on Akira just to turn his head to him with the same grin.  “Enjoy you new school life.” he chirped happily before walking back inside the school.

        The grinning and sudden cheerful tone that came from that man, pissed Akira off.  Adjusting his glasses, he spoke up.  “Enjoy your new school life, I would mostly likely make it a living hell for you in the future.” he grumbled adding the negative details before walking up the stairs and inside the school.


“So you’re telling me, that not only did the school turned into a castle, but you also encountered a talking cat on your way out?”


“You’re kidding me right?  I don’t know if you’re still hallucinating from an overdose or not, but you’re in no position to be joking around you know!?”

“Believe me or not madam, I tell nothing but the truth.”

“.........................Tch.  The one who received the “calling card” form the Phantom Thieves was an Olympic medalist, the PE teacher Suguru Kamoshida.”

“Ah.  The bastard that started it all, still pisses me off whenever I think about the things he has done.”

“Though it was true that his crimes were crude and…..unfitting for a teacher, he confessed to all of them. Ergo the connection between the two of you should not have match since you just transferred.”


“Why did you target him?”

“Sorry….I can’t say.”

“That’s NOT an acceptable answer!  Recall it once again!  Everything that has happened during that time!”



“Getting involved with him is a terrible idea.”

“What if he’s hiding a weapon in his bag?”

“Why would the school accept a criminal here?”

     ‘Why can’t any of you learn to whisper more quietly?  I can hear all of you.’ I hissed in my head.  Once I finally made it to the faculty office, I opened the door to walk inside, only to bump into someone who was making their exit.  The person bumped harshly into my chest and held their face as I held my chest.  “Oof, sorry…..I wasn’t….” looking at the person before me, my words trailed off.  (h/c) hair, (e/c) piercing eyes, (s/c) skin, the familiarity hits me as the girl before me rubs her nose softly.  ‘H-Hey are you-” I was cut off when the girl suddenly looks at me and gave me a cold piercing glare.  It felt as if, that if I make one wrong move, she would put me out in one go.  
     Sweating nervously, I took a step back a little, she seemed to noticed either my discomfort, or my face in general as she then suddenly attempted to relax her face as she ran passed me and down the hall.  I watched as she ran away from me again.  Thinking back on the time I last encountered that girl, has she always had that sad glare in her eyes?


        As you sit head down on your desk, ignoring the stares and the obviously non-quiet whispers, you sighed lowly, hoping class would just start already so that it can hurry up and end afterwards.  You can barely hold off your stress, and it was slowly starting to get to you.  As you begin to close your eyes slowly hoping to drift off to slumber, you hear the sound of the door slamming open, followed by the gasp and even MORE non-quiet whispers coming from the student’s surrounding you, and Kawakami’s usual, dull I’d-rather-be-at-the-comforts-of-my-own-home-than-here-with-you-brats tone of voice.  “Alright, settle down class.  Now I would like to introduce you to a transfer student.” you hear her announce.  Raising you head up from your arms, you widen your eyes when they met with onyx colored ones.  The black frizzy but looks oh so soft curly hair, and the black round glasses.  ‘Why is he here?’ You questioned in your head.

        “My name is Akira Kurusu…..”

The pale teen looks at you with calm eyes then streatched his lips into a small smile.

“Nice to meet you.”


And done, short chapter this time, since I was still recovering from a personal issue, but I’m feeling a lot better now.  Anyways thank you for reading chapter 5 of this story, it’s not much, but I’m trying my best, and also thank you for waiting patiently for this chapter as well.  

((As I was typing this, I had a bit too much of ice coffee so my brain is not functioning right now, RIP))

Anyways!  Until then…..


Heart Of A Phantom Thief | Persona 5 (Akira X Reader)  ((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now