3. Baby

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June 26, 2017

“Betty,” I whisper, shaking her as I sit on the edge of her queen sized bed. “Betts?” I lean down after brushing her hair away from her face and leave a kiss on her forehead. She lets out something between a whine and a groan and pulls the duvet over her head, making me chuckle at the adorableness.
“Come on, baby, time to wake up,” I say softly, using this nickname for the first time in my life. It makes butterflies fly even in my stomach. I smile at myself and pull the cover down to her chest, still covering her boobs, because she only sleeps in a tank top and a pair of shorts so I'm not sure if it's on her normally or half rolled down or up.
Her hand slowly moves out from under her pillow and she takes my left hand with her, pulling it under the covers. She slides them under her shirt and stops right above her heart. Her eyes remain closed, but lips form into a big smile, making me smile too. I can feel her heart beat. It's faster than usually after you wake up.
“I like that,” she murmurs, my other hand caressing her cheek softly.
“Like what?”
“Baby,” she says quietly with a smile.
My heart flutters at that as well and I push a new strand of her hair out of her face which almost seems to fall back there now, tucking it behind her ear. And then I lean in.
The kiss is amazing as usual, but this time I can feel she's tired and I can taste the morning breath (not that I'd mind).
“Come on,” I say quietly and climb under the sheets instead of getting her up. “Come here.” She moves into my arms immediately and I adjust them around her, leaving a soft kiss on the top of her head after she hides her face into my shirt. “You wanna keep sleeping?” I whisper, starting to fondle her hair softly.
She nods in my shirt. “Okay,” I sigh and wait a few minutes until her breathing gets slower and calmer again, telling me she's asleep.
I smile as I look down at the girl in my arms. I've had a crush on her ever since I was like 8 probably. And it grew bigger and bigger every time she did something kind or adorable or funny. Like when in 3rd grade she lost her stuffed animal she had had ever since she was a baby. She cried the whole day so I gave her mine; a stuffed dog named Hot Dog. She accepted it and hasn't stopped sleeping with it ever since. Even right now I can feel it under her left arm. Now my crush is in a point where I don't know what to call it anymore. Not to be creepy or anything, but I'm obsessed with her. We've been having this little ‘thing’ between us for a week now and I can’t get enough of her lips or skin or hands. It's incredibly frustrating if we have to be apart. But we have to because no one knows. Everyone is so oblivious that they just believe us when we lie.

July 2, 2017

“Hey kids,” Pop smiles as we enter the diner.
“Hey Pop,” we chuckle. “Can we get our usual?”
“5 minutes,” he says and we smile and nod. He looks at our hands for a moment and looks suspicious, but I just lead Betty to our booth and sit down, letting her slide in on the other side of the booth of me.
“Did you even see the third one?” she asks me, continuing our earlier conversation about Harry Potter books and movies and the differences in them.
“It's the one where Sirius escapes,” I say.
“Mm, and you don't remember it?” she asks with a bit tilted head.
“We watched it together when we were like 13, that's the last time I saw it,” I protect myself.
She narrows her eyes. “I’m starting to think you didn't pay attention.”
I laugh my careless laugh. “We had seen it like 15 times already.”
“How can you not remember then?” she asks with a frown.
“I do not have your brains, Betty,” I chuckle and squeeze her knee under the table, making her smile.
“Okay, what are we doing today?” she asks me.
I chuckle. “Nothing. You slept half the day away, Betts.”
She smiles at that and stands up, making me frown. But then she sits down on the same side of the booth that I'm in and slides herself against me. I raise my eyebrows with a big smile as she wraps her arms around my waist and nuzzles her nose a little into the white tank top I'm wearing over my black jeans.
“What are you doing?” I chuckle as she closes her eyes too. Even though we're in public and no one knows about us yet, I wrap my arms around her as well and rest my cheek on her head.
“Can’t I hug you?” she murmurs against my shirt.
“You can hug me, but you can’t breathe me in like that,” I smile.
She looks up at me and starts smiling, seeing my face. “Keep your ego down, it comforts me, it doesn't smell good.”
“Oh really?” I ask with a playful grin.
She nods. “Really.”
My hands move to her waist and I squeeze her sides softly the way I've been learned to do without hurting her or making her laugh too hard. But of course she laughs too hard, making everyone shut up and look at us. I don't care, I keep tickling her and she tries to wiggle herself out of my arms, but doesn't succeed and only laughs and laughs and laughs.
“Jug, stop,” she giggles and I stop at that. She chuckles for a few more seconds, turning to look at me normally. And then without even thinking, she leans up and kisses me. It feels like we're the only ones here.
After a few moments of kissing, we hear an awkward throat clearing, making us pull apart. We look at Pop as he places the food on our table while Betty wipes her mouth clean the same time with her hand, smiling. We smile at Pop for thanks and he walks away, looking confused as ever.
“Let me see,” I say quietly, turning her head to face me. Her lipstick is so mushy. I smile at it and raise my hand up a little and wipe it away from the corner of her mouth. She smiles at me and then leans closer to give me a peck on the cheek. When she's accomplished that, we both smile at our food and dig in immediately, my arm going behind her head on the back of the booth. She leans onto my side and turns her head to look at me while she's eating. I look at her the same way and as our eyes meet, we smile at each other. We hold the gaze for a while, but then I need my other burger, so I wink at her and look away to get it, feeling her right next to my body now.

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