Chapter 3 - White Knight

Start from the beginning

They rounded the corner and stood in the entryway of the alley. The three of them lined up blocking me in.

"Well hi there, gorgeous. Did you think we'd just walk past the alley?" The guy on the left asked.

"You look tense, honey. Maybe we can help loosen you up." The one on the right added, making me want to hurl.

The guy in the middle never said a word, he just took a step closer and I stared him down. "You're going to be a feisty one, I can tell." He finally said in a deep voice.

"Oh, you have no idea, sugar." I said back at him with an all-knowing smirk. I saw him smirk back in the dim light and he went to make a run at me, but we were suddenly joined by another man who slammed the guy on the left into the wall leaving him unconscious. The middle guy and the one on the right turned to the new comer and made a few feeble attempts to punch him, but he dodged every one. He right hooked the guy on the right and I heard a cracking sound that could only be his jaw breaking.

He then turned to the middleman and I finally saw that it was Peter. The guy pulled out a knife and lunged forward with it, but he dodged easily causing the guy to stumble and then wacked him behind his neck. The guy fell to the ground, out cold.

Peter then turned to me. "Are you alright?" He asked, concerned.

"What? No cheesy pick-up line?"

"Really? Sarcasm? That guy would have used that knife on you and you're being sarcastic?" He said surprised.

I picked up my bag and laptop and grabbed his hand, pulling him away from the three unconscious men. "I'm fine, really." I said, probably a little to nonchalantly. "What are you doing here?"

"Saving you." He said, sounding rather proud of himself. "Why are you so calm?"

"I mean what were you doing here before you saved me?" I asked, ignoring his question and a little worried he had been following me. If that was the case he may be onto my cover.

"I do have a life, you know. I don't just hang around the house and the high school. I mean how creepy would that be?"

"Peter." I said in a warning tone as we finally made it to my car.

"I was bored. I needed to go out and I was looking for something to do when I saw you. I was going to come over and say hi, but you ducked into a dark alley and then I noticed those three losers. What were you thinking? Your car was another fifty metres away you could have made it if you ran, but no. You had to go into an abandoned, dark and creepy backstreet with a dead end."

"I thought they wouldn't notice and maybe keep walking. It may have escaped your notice, Mr Detective, but I'm wearing heels and I didn't want to run." This was actually partially true. "And besides I had my keys."

"Oh wow, steer clear of you." He said sarcastically.

I groaned and nudged him on the shoulder. "Do you need a ride home?" I asked.

"Please." He grinned.

"How did you get here without a car in the first place?" I asked once we were heading down the road.

"I walk everywhere."

"So you were planning on walking home in the dark, through the woods after you had found your entertainment for the night?" I asked. Of course for a werewolf this wasn't a big deal because of their senses, even hunters did it all the time, but again I had a cover to keep.

"Well actually if the entertainment I found proved fruitful I wasn't planning on making it home until early morning." He grinned.

I rolled my eyes, "I knew you'd be the sneaking out type."

"Ouch, I'm offended." He said, but really that sarcasm was still there as always.

"Oh please, I'm yet to find a way to offend you. You seem to shake everything off."

"People are who they are, there's no point in denying it." He said as he turned the radio up and wound down the window. "For example you are an intelligent, radiant beauty..."

"There it is." I said, waiting for the pickup line or overdone compliment.

"I'm not finished yet."

"I'm sorry, please continue." I said with a small chuckle.

"That has some sort of complicated and mysterious past." He finished, turning serious.

"What makes you say that?" I asked, risking a look at him as I was driving.

"You never really give a straight answer. You never talk about your family. You avoid all talk of France and none of us, not even Derek, has met your parents. We don't even know names and let's not forget the part where you never seem to be at home."

"Well... you seem to have me all figured out, don't you."

"I'm an intuitive person." He said, going back to his trademark smirk. "I'm right though, yes?"

I paused for a moment before answering. "Yes." I said, not taking my eyes off the road.

"Can I ask about your family or do I need to wait a few more days and gain your trust through more cheesy pickup lines?" He asked.

"You can ask whenever you want. Doesn't change the answer to the question or the past."

"Alright then... What happened in France when you were 5?"

"Truth... I don't have any family. They were murdered in our house at night. I only got out because my mum told me to climb out a window and run. I did and that was the last time I saw her. My mother, my father and my two older brothers who were 12 and 14 were killed. I didn't have any other family so some close friends from Mexico came and picked me up. I was raised by them." I don't know why I told him, but I felt better once I did.

"Do you know who killed them?" He asked, not bothering with the 'I'm so sorry,' or the 'that's horrible,' he wasn't the type and I was thankful for that. I hated those statements.

"Yes... they're dead." I stated.

"Did the police kill them?"

"Something like that." I muttered.

"There you go again with avoiding a straight answer."

"Sorry, it's a habit." I said as we pulled up outside the Hale Manor.

He got out of the car and leant down through the door, "Thanks for the ride."

"Thanks for saving me." I said back and he smiled.

"Any time, put me on speed dial or something." He shot back and I rolled my eyes.

"Goodnight, Peter."

What do you think so far? Specifically, what do you think of how I'm portraying the Hales? Because we don't see much of Derek's family in the show pre fire so i'm trying to write it as close to what we've seen so far and Derek used to be the cocky jock and Peter was... well Peter, just less diabolical.

Burnt (Teen Wolf) Peter HaleWhere stories live. Discover now