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DECEMBER 14th, 1875. Noisy cries broke down the frigid London silence that time. The midwife stated that it was a good thing; normal. An indication that they were both healthy boys. The weakly drooping mother looked at her son happily. "Ciel," she said. "Your name is Ciel Phantomhive."

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THREE MONTHS after those kids were born. There wasn't any happy thing besides spending time with their new small family, bundle of joys. Little Ciel was crying often at that time, although in unexpected times like at the midnight. Ciel's senses were very sensitive to his surroundings. Luckily, he would be silent as soon as his mother came. She will hug and give him a lovely kiss.

In the other side, it might be slightly different from that child--who always kept silent without making any sound. It makes his parents installed, therefore they had to check him repeatedly--whether he is really still breathing or not. What a wearisome kid--they sighed.

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THREE YEARS passed. Those boys grown up. They had learned how to walk. And jump. May a little run, although they still fall sometimes. They started to learn talking. Ciel knows few words. He likes to mumble random things. And soon--he begins to call his parents, "Mommy and Daddy." A little thing but it makes his parents truly charmed.

It was a different thing from that child. He hasn't spoke any single words. Not even a simple 'Da' or 'Ma'. Sometimes he still cries, but he remainly kept silent all day. His parents weren't worried too much about it.

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AGE FOUR didn't go smoothly as they thought. The doctor said that child clinically proven became mute, likely because he is deaf. He couldn't response to sounds. When someone call him, he didn't turn around. He is broken. Nothing could fix him. The mother didn't accept that fact, she won't ever had a dumb child. The doctor suggested her to let his son learn other languages as his first communication tool--sign. Not English. She refused. It would be humilating for a noble family to not be able to speak English--not even to barely understand it. She shooked her head. She insisted her children would grow normally like the others. They will inherit their father's good name. For the sake of Phantomhives.

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FIVE YEARS they lived. Ciel have grown to be a normal boy. He likes to play outside. He has many friends to play with. Contrast, afar from his little brother's tightly closed room. Little did people know, his parents acted like they had no other son than Ciel. It feels like the world would never know who that child is. They remains silent.

The mother didn't want to send that child to school, while they already had a plan for Ciel to go to the most luxury school in London. She tend to teach that child by his own hand. She thaught him to read, lip-reading, and speak. She demands his son to know English, not sign, shameful she may be.

It wasn't easy for that boy. He always hates the lessons. His mother isn't patient as he could hope. Everytime he did any single mistake, then his mother would mad. He repeated mistakes, she would hurt him. And the worst is, the light wooden stick he hated most, could landed on his fragile body.

Frankly, that child isn't a dumb. He is a good learner. The one who realized that is the head butler, Tanaka. The old man likes to accompany that child, he is indeed a loyal man. As the other Phantomhives go out, they never bring that child with them. Only old Tanaka cares for him. He would grant everything the young master wish. Although that child only wanted a simple favor like a cup of hot milk and put many honeys on it. But there was no other thing that could make him happy than Tanaka's existence.

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