Chapter 24 - A Prophecy

Start from the beginning

I shook my head and turned to leave, Dusk following close behind.  While it's felt good to rule over those inferior, it has come with the pressure of being under Dark's wing.  We can't go out on our own either, since she wouldn't likely approve of it.  We've seen the capability of her powers, and they're frightening to say the least.

I shake my head as we reached the surface of the mountain.  The cool breeze cut through my body like a knife, but numbness is all I'm used to now.

"You ready to go Sanctum?" Dusk asked

"Yeah Dusk, let's head back,"

We transformed into clouds of bats, flying into the night sky and towards our castle by Haunted.

In the end, all will be avenged, and balance restored to the world.  We will make you proud Father, and we won't let your death be in vain Mother.  Justice will be done.

~~~(Dark's POV)~~~

So she got herself a man now?  How desperate, how touching, how foolish.  I want to laugh just thinking about it.  A guy is great to have... if you're weak.  Life and destiny won't stop just because you found someone you connected with.  A bullet to the heart won't move out of the way or slow down mid air just because you have someone by your side.  Either way you wind up dead, so it's not worth it.

Don't think you never had one before

Who the fuck are you?  Besides, I never had a man, and frankly will never need one.

It's Brite dipshit, you think you've gotten rid of me have you?  Well that's far from the truth sister.

Ok James Charles, calm yourself

Don't act like you don't feel guilty for what you've done

Yeah, cause I don't

Yeah, sure you don't.  Doesn't matter anyway, your time's wrapping up anyway.

The hell do you mean?  I've got all the power I could ever want.  The whole island bows to my strength, and you dare threaten me?  If you didn't have to take over your body I would have killed you first.

Carefull what you wish for honey

Wish for?  Wish for what?

All I'll say is trust nobody, but it's not like you'd listen to me anyway.

Ok Ms. Isuddenlybecameafuckingphilospherovernight

... hello?  Good, she's gone.  I shake off the creeping thought of her warning as just sleep deprivation.  I probably need to cut it out with my all nighters, they're doing a number on my brain.

I walked towards the main board room, where most of our plans are discussed.  I held the upmost authority of course, but its 10x easier with advisors to think for you.

Some might say that advisors would bring you down, but they've brought this plan all together.  My strength, my army, my dominance, all of it is thanks to them.

I stride over to the holographic table holding the map, confident in the good news they're bringing to me.

Around the table stood 3 notable figures.  An ancient figure with piercing blue eyes and a skull for a mask, a mysterious psychic in a skin tight suit with a hood to cover his head, and finally a man in a figure in an orange suit of armor, with orange LED eyes staring creepily into anyone who dared cross his path.

"So guys, what's the news tonight?" I interrogate, a perk in my voice

"Power levels seem to be stable, the monsters are spawning at a normal rate, our territory over the island slowly increasing," Ragnarok answered

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