Chapter 8 - Life and Death

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(Calamity's POV)

There's nothing out here

No trees, no weapons, no food, nothing

He must have something to do with this.  He chose my spawn point, he prevented me from seeing my family, he lied to them.

I swear I'll give him a piece of my mind if I make it out of this shit-hole.

If I make it out

I pause, running that sentence around in my head again.  I have no chance of surviving if I don't even find a single weapon.  I check the map to see my location and the nearby "town" to gather some supplies.

At least they were kind enough to give me a chance.

Ok, so let's see here...  aaaaaaaand the closest location is across the map.  GREAT.

I let out an audible groan, beginning the long journey in hopes of finding something along the way.

It's quiet.  Too quiet.  I honestly expect someone to jump me from behind and end the pain now, but at the same time, I hope not.  If I go down I want to go out my way, or at least fighting.  Death is second nature to me, yet it's still so final.

The trip feels like forever, but so short at the same time.  Maybe it's because the arena isn't so large, or maybe because I'm agile from all of my training.  I manage to make it to the town, which was luckily in the safe zone.  Every 5 minutes the zone gets smaller and smaller, and it's always random, making staying in one place, not the smartest idea.

Shit, someone's been here.  I look back at the map, it shows how many people are left alive.

10 players remaining

2 have already died, I wince, not wanting to think of the atrocities we have to commit to each other to survive.  Hopefully, they died with no pain, but who knows, I'm not one of them, and I hope I won't ever be one.

I think of their bodies, lifeless on the field, like Deadfire's.  Please tell me they collect them quickly, and not leave them in the field, that would be disgusting.

I enter a house, careful to look for traps.  Thankfully, there were none in the building.  I scavenge around, looking for any sort of supplies that could prove useful.

I found something.

A backpack, useful for storing supplies and ammo.  I open it to see if anything was inside.

It's full of explosives.

I zip the bag shut quickly, contemplating whether to take it or not.

It's the only type of weapon I have.  I really don't have a choice here.  

I put the bag on my back and finish looting.  I find some packaged food for the battle, and decide to get out while I still could.  I walk out the door cautiously, in case someone was waiting outside.

That's where I found the body.

Holy fuck, that's someone's corpse.

I gag, trying to prevent myself from vomiting any food I had in my system.  The body was pale, eyes open, eyes dark and lifeless.  Bullet wounds riddled their abdomen, with a pool of blood underneath them where they bled out.  They still had an assault rifle clutched to their chest, held by their cold, dead hands.

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