Chapter 9 - Betrayal

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(Y/N's POV)

I walk out of the bedroom, still drowsy after a rough nights sleep.  The 2 kept me up for hours with their "fun", and now I can barely think.  I head towards the kitchen and see Brite and Drift already making breakfast.  I smell the aroma of bacon and eggs, instantly making my mouth water at the thought.  Drift turns his head to notice me first, a grin flashes on his face.

"Morning (Y/N)." Brite turns around, notified of my presence

"Oh!  Hey (Y/N), didn't know you were awake." She flashes a smile before turning back to the eggs on the stove.  "You hungry?  Breakfast is almost done."

I yawn, still very out of it, but eventually pull myself together to form a response.

"Y- Yeah, sounds good." I go to sit at the table and look out the window, watching the activities going on down on the streets.  It's still pretty early in the morning, but a good amount of people were already out working, shopping, eating, etc.  This draws me into a moment of reflection, as multiple questions still linger in my head.

What is happening on Earth?  Have they noticed I've gone?  Does anybody truly care?  Do I belong here?  Is this the right choice?  That last one hits me hard, for I haven't included really thought about staying or leaving.  Don't get me wrong, I want to stay, but can I?  I'm only brought back to the present when a plate of food is placed in front of me.

"Eat up (Y/N), we've got a lot to do today." Drift informs, he sits at the end of the table, and sitting across from me is Brite who subtly plants a kiss on Drift's cheek as she sits down.  They both start eating and discuss the plans for the day.  They intend to catch each other up on recent events, but also meet with the hero squad in order to try and locate the people responsible for the cube, the rift closing, etc.

I sit there, staring blankly into my plate.  The savory aroma captivates me, but my mind is too sleep-deprived to even interpret it.  I'm motionless, my only movement being the rise and fall of my chest and an occasional yawn.  I know I didn't get a lot of sleep, but Jesus this is dramatic.

Brite takes a look at me, concern spreading on her face at my stillness.  She pauses a moment, which cues Drift to turn and look at me.

"Are... you... ok (Y/N)?"  Brite inquires

I snap my head around at the sound of her voice

She's not Dark, she won't hurt you.

"Yeah, you seem awfully quiet, and tired." Drift follows up, even waving his hand in front of my face to check if I was even noticing them.

"Y- Yeah, I'm just... tired.  Didn't get much sleep." I blankly reply

"Damn, that sucks.  If you want to take a rest after this and join us later you can.  After all, you did help us tremendously already." Drift glances at Brite, who blushes at the recognition.

"No no, I'm fine.  At least you guys had fun last night." I look at Drift and subtly wink at him.

Drift lets out a low chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck as his face grew increasingly more red.  Brite kept looking between us in confusion, not yet understanding the context of my remark.

Saved (Calamity x Male Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant