Chapter 12 - Arrival

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This is the chapter you've all been waiting for

Enjoy :)


(Calamity's POV)

We glide over the ocean to our futures

The bus remained mostly silent, as many of the passengers admired the view and wonders of the flying automobile.  Small chit-chat would erupt every now and then, and some still introduced themselves to each other.  Some talked of home, others of the future, then there were the silent ones.

I was one of them

I sat alone towards the very back of the bus, not wanting to interact with anyone.  Especially after my less than adequate encounter with Dusk.

I still don't know what she has against me.  I've haven't done shit to her.

I stare blankly out of the window, looking over the horizon stretching infinitely outwards.  Occasionally I would look ahead, examining some other passengers.  There were some... odd fellows.  A mysterious woman sat in front, she wore a grey hood but wore an odd tomato head over her face.  Her stare pierced through you as if she knew the atrocities you committed in your life.

Ok, buddy, you do you, just stay the fuck away from me.

Another figure sat behind her, and he was the most talkative of the group.  His suit lit up in a variety of colors and he wore a giant silver llama head with sunglasses.  He was another odd one, but his jokes and occasional beats spurred up the crowd, even gaining a chuckle from me from time to time.

Lastly, there was a shy male in the back with me, but he stayed silent and stared either at the ground or out the window.  He dressed relatively normal, except for the giant fucking inflatable llama you would find for 10 bucks at your local Walmart.

What is with these people?  I thought my outfit was bad but Jesus.

And then there was her.

She sat in the middle of the bus, surrounded by Fable, Dire, and other newbies.  She remained the center of attention within the group, impressing them with her vampire abilities.  Occasionally we met eyes, and from there she would make the face of pure disgust and fake wretch, gaining a few chuckles from the group.  I ignored her remarks and kept to myself, but noticed looks of concern by Fable and Dire, for they were around our first encounter and knew the truth.

"Alright guys, we're not too far from the island.  30 seconds till jump." The bus driver announces through the speaker

Wait did he say drop?

"Yes, I said 'drop'.  You guys will jump from the back of the bus and fall towards the island.  Once you reach a low enough altitude you will automatically pull out your glider and float down to the ground.  Since you guys are new, it is recommended to land at the new Dusty Diner in the center of the island.  A group of residents have set up a small gathering to help you guys feel welcome and get introduced to the land.  You don't have to attend, but we suggest you do." The driver turned off the speaker and honked the horn twice.  Instantaneously the emergency door in the back of the bus opened up.  Red lights flashed over to signify the time to jump.

I've been here for not even 5 minutes and they're already nuts

"Cya bitches!" Dusk zoomed past the rows of seats and leaped out of the doorway.  She disappeared instantly, only leaving a faint scream of excitement.  We remained stationary, not knowing if we should jump or not.

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