thirty three

390 20 5

dan 👀

phil 💀
dan..........i swear to god above i will block you out for the entire day tomorrow if you keep coming up to me and wrapping your arms around me.
it's embarrassing
but it's cute
ugh i cant ever choose

dan 👀
listen here, i will never stop.
u don't get how much i like u

phil 💀
i do
i really do trust me
ask anyone lmao

dan 👀
u think im gonna socialise? wow u really expect a lot from me huh

phil 💀
i will take you to pj's party as my date and we will socialise

dan 👀

phil 💀 we willit'll be fun

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phil 💀
we will
it'll be fun

dan 👀
who said i wanted to be your date

phil 💀
the two and a half months of constant flirting from you at me.

dan 👀
well from what i have seen, you don't care much and it sEEMS to me that you actually enjoy it.
so shut ur face and accept my loving actions and words

phil 💀
oh don't worry im all accepting
i have a thing to tell you

dan 👀
ah yes, do share.

phil 💀
ive decided that im just not ready to date. im scared dan.

dan 👀
whoever you choose to love with most likely be loving back and accepting of you. you have nothing to fear but separation. but if you love each other a lot then it shouldn't come to mind.
i promise it'll make sense soon.

phil 💀
wow ok mr poetic

dan 👀
who do you like then hmm

phil 💀
im not telling, you know them really well

dan 👀

phil 💀
no he's my second best friend, of course not

dan 👀
who's your first????

phil 💀
you fucking idiot

dan 👀

phil 💀
and you suck so shut the hell up

dan 👀
do u like me

phil 💀
yes duh

dan 👀
i mean like like me

phil 💀
no comment

dan 👀

phil 💀

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phil 💀

dan 👀 you stole that meme how dare u

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dan 👀
you stole that meme how dare u

phil 💀

dan 👀

phil 💀
you let everything slide dan

dan 👀

phil 💀

dan 👀
ugh why do i put up with ur bullshit ur so god damn annoying

phil 💀
am not!

dan 👀
are too!

phil 💀
we both suck. there.
oh no dan
dan no
not that way

dan 👀

phil 💀 when will you stop sending that to me?

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phil 💀
when will you stop sending that to me?

dan 👀
it's my favourite thing
so never

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