Brooke and Derek waited outside until Stiles' jeep pulled up in front of them and they quickly got in the car, Stiles driving away before any of the neighbors could spot them.

The drive to the police station only took minutes. Stiles pulled into a parking spot he and turned to tell them his plan.

"Okay, so the keys to every cell are in a password protected lockbox in my father's office," he began. "The problem is getting past the front desk."

The three looked through the window at the woman watching the front door. Derek nodded and simply said, "I'll distract her."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, you're not going in there," Stiles grabbed onto his jacket as he tried to get out of the jeep. Derek looked down at the hand on his jacket. "I'm taking my hand off."

"He was exonerated," Brooke reminded Stiles, leaning forward between the two seats. Stiles looked back and forth between the two.

"Yeah, well he's still a person of interest."

"An innocent person of interest," Derek clarified.

"You? Ha! Right," Stiles laughed sarcastically. Brooke leaned forward and smacked him on the shoulder. "Okay, fine. What's your plan?"

"To distract her," Derek simply said.

"How? By punching her in the face?" Stiles asked. Brooke leaned forward and socked his shoulder again.

"No, by talking to her," Derek answered.

"Okay, what are you gonna open with?" Stiles questioned him. Brooke and Derek just stared at him. Stiles looked back and forth between the two. "Dead silence? That should work beautifully. Any other ideas?"

"I'm thinking about punching you in the face."

"God, me too," Brooke agreed with her cousin, rubbing one of her temples gently. Stiles made a sound of betrayal as he looked back at her. Derek just rolled his eyes and hopped out of the car.

Brooke climbed into the front seat as the two teenagers waited for Derek to do his part. As Brooke was peering into the building from her seat, Stiles looked over at her with frown on her face.

"Are you okay?" He asked her. Brooke looked over at his sudden question.

"Yeah," she said. "Why?"

"I don't know, you've just been a little distant recently," Stiles answered honestly. Brooke looked at her lap and then back at him with sad eyes.

"I know, I'm sorry," She apologized. "There's just been a lot going on recently."

"Yeah," Stiles agreed. "But you know I'm always here to help, right?"

Brooke looked over at the genuine expression on his face and couldn't help herself. She leaned across the jeep and kissed him gently, pulling away before he got the chance to respond.

"I know," she answered. "Now let's go save a werewolf."

She got out of the car and walked towards the police station, Stiles clumsily following after her. Blush covered his face as they neared the entrance and peeked inside. Stiles grabbed Brooke's hand and pulled her into the sheriff's office as Derek flirted with the female officer at the front desk.

Stiles immediately went to the lockbox and entered the password, but a curse escaped his mouth as he realized it was empty. The two quickly made a plan and split up in order to find Isaac or the keys.

Brooke was making her way towards the deputy's desks when the fire alarm went off. She immediately ran back to the holding cells and found Stiles being dragged down the hall by a police officer with an arrow sticking out of his leg and a syringe in his hand.

She ran towards the two jumped on the fake deputy's back, putting him in a headlock until he released Stiles. The hunter let him go and focused on the teenager girl on his back, swinging her around as violently as he could. Brooke quickly moved on of her arms to escape getting stuck by the syringe, giving the man the opportunity to escape.

All three of them raced into the room with the holding cells, only time find them all empty. Out of nowhere, Isaac came running at them. Brooke pushed Stiles out of the way and ducked as the werewolf landed on the hunter.

The hunter angled the syringe towards Isaac and Brooke jumped in between them, sending the Wolfsbane clattering to the floor. Isaac violently pushed Brooke out of the way, his claws scratching into her right arm. He quickly knocked the hunter unconscious and turned towards Stiles.

Brooke made her way towards the Beta, but Derek walked into the room. He stepped on the syringe causing it to shatter and placed himself between Stiles and the wild beta. Isaac took a threatening step forward, but Derek let out a threatening roar that caused the beta to back into the wall and hide himself submissively.

"How did you do that?" Stiles asked Derek.

Derek turned back with a smirk on his face. "I'm the Alpha."

Brooke ran to the now-human Isaac that was cowering on the ground. She placed a comforting hand on his arm and Stiles couldn't help but feel the jealousy rise in his throat.

"Derek," the blonde said. "We need to get him out of here. Now."

Stiles quickly pushed himself up from the ground. "Whoa, you guys just can't leave with him."

Brooke wrapped one of Isaac's arms around her shoulder and walked him towards Derek. The Alpha threw the weak beta over his back and the three started to leave.

Stiles grabbed Brooke's arm as she walked by, but she just shook it off. "This isn't something up for discussion, Stiles."

"You'll-- you'll come back, right?" Stiles asked.

"Yeah," Brooke looked at him with gentle eyes. "Of course."

With that, she followed her cousin as they escorted the young fugitive out of the station, leaving Stiles to come up with an explanation on his own.


double update because why not

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