As the three girls entered the school, the students stopped and stared at the red head in the middle of the group. Brooke looked to Lydia as she froze, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. The blonde smiled awkwardly at the people around and leaned towards her best friend. "Maybe it's the nine pounds."

With that, a switch was flipped and Lydia Martin transformed back into herself. Without a sliver of hesitation, she strutted down the hallway with the confidence that only Lydia Martin could have.

Brooke swallowed her smile and followed her down the hallway, proud of her best friend. When Brooke walked into her first period English class, her smile faded as she remember both Scott and Stiles were in the class as well.

She followed Allison to their seats in the back, the brunette smiling at Scott on the way back. Before Brooke could even pull out her textbook, Stiles appeared in the seat beside her.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," she said back, a confused smile on her face.

"I tried to get a hold of you this weekend," Stiles told her. "Scott is really freaking out about the new arrivals."

"Yeah, sorry," Brooke said, turning her attention to her bag as she pulled her supplies out. "Allison and I were kind of distracting Lydia all weekend."

Stiles nodded. "Right, right. How's she doing?"

"Well, she's being Lydia Martin," Brooke laughed, remembering their entrance.

"Anything else happen that Scott and I should know about?" Stiles asked.

Brooke looked at him with curious eyes, wondering why he would ask that. "No, why?"

"Just wondering," Stiles shrugged. Brooke pulled her eyes away from him in confusion. Their teacher walked in then, yelling at Stiles to get back to his normal seat. Stiles did so begrudgingly.

The rest of the school day passed the same way, Stiles eyeing her as if he knew she was keeping something from him. It put Brooke on edge. Stiles couldn't help but feel disappointed. He knew there was another werewolf since Scott smelt one that morning in the locker room, and he knew that Brooke knew who it was.

By the time lacrosse practice had rolled around, Stiles had devised a plan to help Scott figure out who the other beta was.

"I told coach you're switching with Danny for today," he told Scott as he sat next to him on the bench.

"But I hate playing goal," Scott responded dumbly.

"Remember when I said I had an idea?" Stiles asked. "This is the idea."

"Oh," Scott nodded. "What's the idea?"

"I seriously don't understand how you survive without me sometimes," Stiles replied bluntly.

Practice began as Allison, Lydia, and Brooke climbed the bleachers. Allison didn't think staying and watching practice was a good idea, and while Brooke agreed, Lydia insisted on it. The three sat quietly, halfway watching the practice and halfway doing their homework.

Scott was acting as goalie, but consistently ran out of the goal just to smack into the other plays.

"What is he doing?" Lydia asked, partially amused and partially upset he wasn't taking practice seriously.

Brooke looked up from her homework just in time to see Scott collide in the air with Isaac. The two looked up from their crouched position, and Brooke could hear a slight growl come out of Isaac's mouth.

The sheriff and two police officers walked onto the field as the two betas brushed themselves off. They pulled Isaac off to the side of the field and Coach paused practice. Scott and Stiles sat stood on the field waiting, the former filling in the latter as to what they were saying.

Brooke pushed her way through the crowd and stood next to them. Stiles looked down at the blonde in surprise, eyes narrowing at the sight of the concerned look on her face.

"Are they saying he's a suspect?" She asked them.

Scott looked over at her and then back to where the police and Isaac were walking away.

"I'm not sure. Why?"

"Because they can put him in a holding cell for 24 hours," Stiles said, catching on to what Brooke was thinking. "Overnight. During the full moon."

"How good are the holding cells at holding people?" Scott asked.

"People—good," Stiles answered.

"Werewolves—not so good," Brooke finished.

Stiles looked over towards her to ask how she even knew Isaac was a werewolf, but she was already walking away. She pulled out her phone and texted Allison, telling her to drive Lydia home. As she got into her car she dialed Derek on the phone.

"We have a big problem, Derek," Brooke said as she sped away from the school.


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