"Why? Why do you even care?! In fact, I was the reason behind the death of your loser friends and instead of despising me like the others, why are you even preoccupied with my wellbeing?" He folded his arms quite vexed.

"You know why? Because last time I checked, you were made of blood and flesh too! You're capable of feeling and..."

"Enough!" He interrupted her abruptly, gritting his teeth at her. "I don't feel anything! There's no such thing as 'feel'!"

"Oh yeah? Then you shouldn't be obsess either in surpassing Goku if you couldn't feel in the first place! Do you know what I think?" She paused glaring down into his obsidian orbs in determination and when he said nothing, she continued: "I think that you're frustrated! Frustrated of not being good enough! And if you are capable of being frustrated! It means that you are capable of feeling and experiencing emotions like the rest of us! And I don't care what you think or say, we both know I'm right!"

A burdening silence had settled in and when he made no attempt to answer back, she took it as her cue to leave. Part of her was praying for him to stop her, to talk to her and for them to solve their issues, but he never did. Heart throbbing painfully in her bust, she took off into the direction of her bedroom, disappointed by the fact that the unknown feeling that bind them together was not strong enough for him to hold onto her. What had she expected anyway? Especially from a saiyan who'd spent countless years of his life in destroying planets with only snaps of his fingers? The farther it went, she got the impression that she might probably not win after all.

            -Leaning her weight over the railing of her terrace, later that night, she devoured the starry sky curiously with her gaze. She smirked to herself, thinking that she would've probably never met Vegeta if it wasn't for her space travel to namek. Knowing that he could be a very demanding and energy consuming man to deal with but the heart wanted what it wants and she knew deep down, she'd still be craving for him.

      "I've been here for hours and not even a single shooting star?" She sighed dreamily, observing the pitch black sky enveloped in shiny little stars, with hope engulfing her sky blue irises. As per the earth's culture, making wishes at the sight of a shooting star was magical. Perhaps, this was the type of magic that she needed to sparkle up her life.

        "Tch! If it's a shooting star you want..." A familiar frosty hoarse voice startled her and she swirled in his direction curiously. He was in his usual saiyan attire. The attire she'd crafted especially for him. Somehow, it pleased her to see that even if he refused to acknowledge her emotions for him, he was at-least not discarding the things she's put in so much effort to make. Ignoring the harsh expression on his handsome face, she deliberately roved her eyes onto the toned shapes of his body. She had to admit, the armor did his beauty justice. He'd not failed to notice either, the dark emotions grazing her eyes but instead, he decided to continue, voice laced with venom; "woman! Close your eyes!"

           "What? What for?!" She protested, brows knitted together in severity, eyes shifting back to his obsidian one.

    "Woman! Don't argue! Just do it!" He reiterated, cheeks particularly flustered and piercing black orbs glaring deep into her soul. She opened her mouth so as to retaliate but realized that her throat dried out and she practically had nothing to say either. Heaving a sigh, she nodded and complied with whatever he'd asked her to do.

        Directing one of his hand toward the sky, a ki-blast formed at the end of his palm before releasing the accumulated energy ball. He felt stupid indeed but there was something deep inside that wanted nothing but to witness her smile and joy again.

Intriguing Endearment [Vegeta x Bulma] Dragon Ball Z FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now