"See this is why I love You and made you my wife !" He said stretching across the couch.

I shook my head and start laughing.

Kamel kissed me and the boys went upstairs to play the games as we cook.




The door bell rung but it was the back door .

I went to the door and seen my dad on the ground bloody and someone running .

"DAD!"I yelled

"Daddy! DAD!" I said shaking him.

I check for his pulse and I didn't feel no heart beat. I immediately start doing CPR.

"Wake up wake up! KAMEL !!" I screamed in Panic.

I heard loud foot steps rushing down stairs and I saw him stare done at me like he was frozen.

"Hand me the house Phone and Call 911!" I said yelling while to continue to pump my dad's chest.

"Someone was running go look!" I yelled at Zay and jay

I started running lookin for who did this to my dad.

"He's not breathing please send me a ambulance!" Kamel said quickly on the phone.

"Her Dad he's not breathing She's doing CPR on him and he still not breathing!" He said yelling on the phone.

"Dad wake up No please wake up!" I said crying while sky was checking his pulse again, She still didn't feel a heart beat.

"Whats going On!!" Keke said yelling and ran over to us.

"He got beat up and he's not breathing!" I said.

"Ma'am I need you to get out the way we got it now" I heard a mans voice.

I look up and continue to my procedure.

"1..2..3.." Nya said pushing down into his chest.

"Nani, they got it now, let them take him to the hospital" Kamel said grabbing me. "

"There's a fatal pulse, let's get this man a stretcher and to the hospital" the medic said while putting my dad on the stretcher and carry him to the truck.

I push Kamel off of me and followed them to the truck. They let me and Kamel in and close the double doors to the truck. I just looked at my dad.

At the Hospital..

I was just looking at the floor . I throw up 2 times buy I know i'm just nervous......I thought I didn't care about him but I just do I. Who can do this .... was it about drugs and he cannot pay it.... was it about he tried to get out of something and they beat him .... shit I don't know

"Baby" I heard Kamel said, trying to grab my hand.

"Im straight" I said rubbing my arms.

"Ok good" Kamel kissing my cheek

"It's all my fault, I should of let him back in my life and helped him " I said rubbing my forehead.

"it's no one's fault" Nya said.

The doctor came out and I jump up and walk over to her.

"Please tell me he's okay" I said looking at her.

"Bri , You father he's awake but someone beat him up badly and his cancer has reach its point, I could be hours until he take his last breath, I'm sorry sweetie" she said grabbing my hand.

I look at her, trying my hardest not to cry.

"Cancer?" I said

" cancer?" I said

Yes ma'am he have cancer" she said

"Can I see him" I ask her.

"Of course, you can bring your family if you want" she said leading the way.

I wave them over and they us to his room. He was hook up to the machine, but at least he doesn't have tunes down her throat.
I walk in sat next to him and grab his hand.

"Bri " he said looking at me.

I look at him and kissed his hand.

"At least smile for me" he said giving me a small smile.

"I'm sorry I should've been there for u" I said

"Shhh, don't say that baby" he said rubbing my hand

"It's a shame I can't make it to see you walk across that stage and be what you want to be , but I'm very very sorry I wasn't in your life but the day I come and seen u (chapter 13) I was Done with drugs just drinking a little...... I found out I had cancer 6 week after that ......but if u died just know I love u " he said smiling at me.

I look at Kamel and he was looking down at my dad.

"Take care of my baby Girl Son because the lord knows I didn't , And make sure they ok too " he said looking at Nya and sky .

Keke walked in with the twins.

Keke long time no see" my dad said

Hey you ok" keke said putting the twins down

"I'm better now .... you know I got better with the lord so I'm going to a better place" he said putting a note down

"I have lived a one hell of a life....hopefully I'll see your mom , read them to notes ok I love all of y'all " he said.

I heard him breath out his last breath making my heart break into millions.

"No, No, No, No, No, No, Wait Wait !!" I said shaking him.

"Baby he's gone" Kamel said trying to grab me.

"im sorry but His time has come, we can't do anything about it" The doctor said and turn off his heart Monitor.

"It's okay Bri we got you" Jay and Zay said pulling me into hug.

I hug them tightly and look at my dad.

"Your not alone, you got us. Dad's in a better place, no more pain nor suffering" Sky said.

And he with your mom" keke said

God is by everyone's side" Nya said

I watch the nurse put the sheet over his face and walk out the room taking the machines away.

"Come on..Lets go babe" Kamel said grabbing hand. I look at him the last time and walk out the room with Them .

I don't think I'll never care about shit he was or doing but I been lying to myself I cared so much ...

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