Chapter 9: Pan-boi

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I yanked Nico forwards and confronted the guy, steam coming out of my hair. "Listen up you Cara de mierda(fuckface)! We're linked because we fought a hydra on our own because you assholes were too cowardly to do it on your own. We fought! And WE won! So, why don't you march yourself back to the Goodwill you came from and go find someone else to re-use you and toss you back, while WE go to the Target we're heading too." I pulled Nico along this time and looked back once. "For your information, I'm not entirely straight either hon."

We walked away as I was trying to calm the flames that were starting to light in my brown curls. Nico was silent as I took us to Bunker 9 and through the woods. 

When we got there, I opened the door, my heart was pounding and I couldn't believe I just admitted that out loud. I shut it and slumped down to the floor, Nico sat next to me, since, you know- he had to. 

It was silent for a while, until he muttered, "Hey, uh- thanks. For that." I nodded to him, taking a breath, and he asked, "Was that true? About- you know? You not being entirely straight?" I nodded again. "Well, what's your sexuality?"

"I don't know. Not straight though." Nico gave me a nod, and it was quiet for a bit. 

"Well, uh. Do- Have you. Ever had a crush on someone who hasn't looked like a boy or girl?" I nodded, "Okay, uh, ever taken a liking to someone who's more then one gender? Like a boy and girl?" I nodded again. He thought some more. 

I turned to Nico, "Is there a word for that?"

"Yeah Pansexual." 

"Oh, I've heard of that. Don't know the exact definition though."

"Uh, someone who could take a liking to anyone, no matter their gender." I nodded.

"Yeah that seems right." It was quiet again, and I turned to the Hades boy once more. "Hey, we're supposed to be getting going." He nodded and stood up, pulling me with him. 

"Let's go then." Quiet once more filled the bunker while we moved back and forth, still trying to navigate around the tables, I was busy trying to think on whether there was a spell or something that could let us apart even for a little bit. Like, bits at a time. I'm sure there is. 

There wasn't much needed to pack, we were just gonna take Argo III due the the fact that Argo II kinda died after the War. Nico didn't want to, but, I refuse to shadow-travel. It's not something that's on my near bucket-list. 

Argo III is much smaller, but it was still big enough to fit 10-12 people. So, smaller. But still pretty kickass. I pulled Nico aboard and was about ready to start the ship when I heard a yell from the side of the bunker. 

Three people were standing at the entrance: Jason Grace, Hazel Levesque, and Frank Zhang.

What a weird trio...

Music: Panic!At The Disco

Word count: 516

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