Talking Claude

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Claude woke up to nothing but darkness. He looked around, ears perked up. The cats must be back in the cupboard. He leapt from the foot of the bed, and searched around the room, getting a sense of his surroundings. After a bit of searching, he decided he should make an escape. The door, then, creaked open, making him turn his head to it. A woman walked in, with weird colored hair, and huge glasses. He quickly hid, watching her. His bright yellow eyes narrowed on her, as she seemed to have been searching for somtheing. Followed behind her was what seemed to be a young blonde boy, with a straw hat tied around his neck.

Claude watched them search, creeping under the bed. Then, he bolted for the door, attempting to be stealthy. But, of course, his luck was terrible. As soon as he stepped footboutside the doorway, there was Sebastian, picking him up. The demon stepped foot inside, the cat in his hands, behind his back.

"May I ask why you are both in my Private Quarters?" His red eyes were right on Finnian, knowing he would talk.

"Young Master said we had a pest problem. Said the best place to look was in your room," Finnian quickly replied, not wanting to get in trouble.

"If there was a pest in my room, I would've taken care of it. Now make your leave, before I double your chores for tomorrow."

The maid and gardener quickly left, amd Sebastian put Claude back down, closing the door behind them.

"Making your Grand Escape, I see. It won't be that easy, I assure you." He chuckled, before patting the top of the cat's head.

"I assure you, my escape will be the least of your problems..." the cat spoke up. He had finally gotten his voice back. Somehow, the two were bonding.

Sebastian flicked the cats nose, making claude hiss, and scratch at him. "Again, you won't escape. Would you like to know why?"

The cat tilted his head, as a signal to continue.

"You can't help but enjoy staying here," he gave a fakely sweet smile, as he scratched behind the cat's ears.

Claude's fur stood on end, before relaxing. He swayed a bit, until Sebastian stroked his fur all the way down to the base of his tail, scratching softly. His tail stood straight up, curling at the end.

Sebastian couldn't help but think the small black cat was cute, even if it was Claude. He stopped his cat torture upon the ex-demon, and walked to the cupboard to play with the other cats again. That is, until Claude followed after, and stood on his hind legs to paw at Sebastian's hand, letting out a meow. He was back in his cat-like mind, no longer in control. He wanted pets.

Sebastian let go of the handels, and leant down to pick up the cat, and set it on his shoulder. The cat started purring, as Sebastian scratched the top of his head once again.

(507/500 words)
So, I noticed people liked this story, and was surprised. I'm glad you guys enjoy it! I'll try to update more frequently for you all! Sorry for the lack of updates! Hope this Chapter was decent.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2019 ⏰

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