Chapter Six

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There is one thing that Dabi is acutely aware of when he comes to, the overbearing presence of others in his room. He cracks open an eye and is greeted by a large yellow one only a few inches away from his face.

"He's alive!" Dabi groans and pushes Toga's face away, she's way too close for comfort.

"Get away from me." His voice is gruff from sleep and it comes out more of a croak than a demand. Dabi closes his eyes again but can't fall back asleep to the general buzzing of the atmosphere.

"What a nice way to thank me for saving your life." He hears Toga huff as she shuffles towards the foot of the bed before she plops down on it- accidentally sitting on his foot. He kicks at her to move but she doesn't, rather, she sprawls back on the bed- taking up the entire bottom portion of his bed.

"How're you feelin', lover boy?" Spinner snickers, ducking just in time to avoid a pillow being thrown at his face. It's caught in Shigaraki's hand and before Dabi can protest, it crumbles to dust. Suddenly, the atmosphere turns thick and uncomfortable. He has a vague memory of watching a Scooby Doo episode as a child where Scooby was able to cut through the fog with a knife and he finds himself wondering if he could do that right now. His thoughts are cut short when the rest of the League files out, leaving only him and Shigaraki in the room- staring at each other with unease.

"What an interesting turn of events." Shigaraki starts, wiping the ash from his hand against his pants- leaving a faint and smudged grey hand print against the black of his pants. Sitting down on the edge of Dabi's bed, Shigaraki studies him with an unblinking red scrutiny.

"We're going to have to solve this." Dabi props himself up and draws the blanket tightly against himself.

"Solve what?"

"Don't play stupid with me," Shigaraki snorts, "We both know full well what I'm talking about." Dabi's stretching silence only seems to confirm Shigaraki's statement, he nods and continues.

"I'm seeing two options for you. Either you end up dead somewhere because you're an idiot and let it almost kill you already," Shigaraki's gaze turns almost mockingly soft, "Or, you can get this fixed."

"And how-" Shigaraki cuts him off with a wave of his hand.

"I can send you to Ujiko, you know. I've already spoken with him and he seems," There's a short pause, "Very invested in your condition." Dabi sits up further and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"I'd really rather not deal with him."

"As I've thought. I suppose there's another solution." Dabi waits for Shigaraki to continue but there's only the long pregnant pause of silence. He looks up from his hand to see Shigaraki studying him curiously, his head tilted to one side.

"Who is it?" His question comes out as a whisper and there's something in the glint of his eyes that makes Dabi not want to answer.

"Does it matter?"

"You almost died, so, I would say yes. It does."

"It's no one that you know." Shigaraki merely hums, he takes out Father from his hoodie pocket and lets it rest in his lap. Neither man says anything for a long time, only the occasional muffled shout and bark of laughter from the bar fills his quiet room.
"I see that you're going to be stubborn like usual."

"What even can you do to help?"

"Easy," Shigaraki stands- a ghost of a smile appears on his pale lips, "I could kill them." Dabi draws back and raises an eyebrow.

"What happened to letting what we love, live?"

"Please, that was for Toga," Shigaraki lazily waves Dabi off, "She's merely a child. She'll learn soon enough." Dabi rolls his eyes and frowns.

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