Siena yanked the sliding doors to the barn open. It was cute. There were light wooden floors and a central staircase that went up to the second floor, which had a walkway going around to each of the rooms. Each door was painted a different color, with a different painting of a farm animal hung on it. 

"Alright. Grey and Jordan, you're room 6. Allison and I will take 4, so we're right next to you. Make sure you deadbolt the doors. Apparently there's been some deadbeat hobo named Ricky breaking in and stealing bars of soap," Siena explained. 

"Soap?" Allison raised an eyebrow. 

"I don't know," Siena rolled her eyes, heading up the staircase. We followed her and turned right at the top of the stairs. Siena jiggled the key into the lock on the first door, which was painted a bright purple, and Grey and I headed down towards the last room, which had a blue door. I pushed the key into the lock, wiggled it a little, and then turned, swinging the door open with a creak. 

The room was simple. There was a queen sized bed placed against the wall with a quilted comforter, a set of farmhouse windows overlooking the cornfield on the far wall, and a little bathroom to the right. There were quirky paintings of farm animals on every single wall- not a bit of technology in sight. Guess I'd have to use my phone as an alarm then. 

"Interesting taste," I turned back around and smiled to Grey as he closed the door behind us, dead-bolting it shut. 

"I'm just glad we're leaving tomorrow. The next time I hear somebody ask about the horses in the back, I'm gonna snap a neck," he grumbled and I snorted, rolling my eyes. 

"You're just tired, don't take it out on Waylon and Mary-Jo," I ran my hands up his chest, leaning up to kiss him. His hands found my waist and he smiled against my lips. Hmm. This was good. This- this was home. Him. 

"They're lucky I have you to distract me," he murmured, pressing his lips to my forehead and wrapping his arms around me in a protective hug. 

"Lucky indeed. Does the Angel that Heaven sent know we'll be at Bryn Athyn tomorrow?" I asked, resting my chin on his chest as I looked up at him. 

"Yeah, we're on schedule, so he should be there. And then we'll hop on a flight to Paris hopefully the next day or so," he hummed. 

"Where are we staying in Paris?" I furrowed my brows. I hoped he wasn't going to say Notre Dame, because staying for however long we're going to be there on stone floors- no thank you. I could handle one night at Bryn Athyn, but any longer and Angel or not- my back would break. 

"Siena has friends in Paris that she and Allison are staying with. You're welcome to stay with them, or-"

"Or?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"I have a flat. A few blocks down from Notre Dame," he shrugged, an arrogant smirk tugging up the corners of his lips. His ice blue eyes twinkled mischievously underneath those thick lashes as if to say 'hell ya I have a flat in Paris'. 

"Of course you have a place in Paris," I rolled my eyes with a snicker. 

"I won it gambling back in Ireland. Turns out Angels are good gamblers, who would've thought," he murmured, eyeing me. 

"Who would've thought, hm?" I smiled, leaning up and pressing another kiss on his lips. "I'm going to shower. And then we're going to bed."

"Which of those am I invited to?" Grey cooed lowly, his eyes flashing that familiar fluorescent blue. 

"Bed. To sleep. I'm tired," I patted his chest and he let out a low grumble. I snickered and turned on my heel, walking towards the bathroom. 

"Tantrums aren't cute, Grey," I called back over my shoulder. 

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