Much Easier Said Than Done

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“So are you coming tomorrow night?” “Of course I am! My best friend is starring in a documentary! I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” Alli said. “Awe, thanks Alls,”

“You’re welcome. What are you wearing? I have no idea what I’m wearing!” “I already have an outfit picked out. Do you want me to come over and help you find something?”

“Yes! Oh my gosh, yes!” “Alright, I’ll bring the chocolate-covered pretzels!” I said. “See you in a few!” She said. “See you then!” I said and hung up. I hurried upstairs and changed into some athletic shorts and a tee shirt. I pulled my hair up in a messy bun and grabbed the pretzels and my keys. I left the house and headed down the street to Alli’s house. I rang the doorbell and Brad opened the door.

“KiKi!” He smiled. “Brad!” He engulfed me in a hug. “Haven’t seen you in forever!” He said. “I know! I missed you guys!” “We missed you too, kiddo,” He patted my head. I laughed.

“Alli’s in her room,” He said. “Thanks!” I headed up the white stairs to Alli’s room. I opened the door and said, “I’m here!” “KiKi!” Alli hugged me tightly.

“Hey, Alls. You missed me?” I chuckled. “Well, duh! It’s been like twelve hours since I last saw you!” She said. “I know!” I laughed.

“So, what are the options?” I said. “Oh my gosh! I have NOTHING to wear!” She exclaimed, pulling me over to her closet. I looked around. Half of the clothes still had tags on them!

“Alli! Half of this is new stuff!” “Yeah, but it’s barely anything!”

“Barely?!” I laughed. She pouted, “This isn’t funny! I need an outfit!” I looked at the row of dresses. I plucked out a red dress with a white belt.

“How about this one?” “Nah, not feeling it,” She said, sitting on the floor.

“How about this one?” I showed her a purple patterned dress. She shook her head. I sighed and kept looking. The fifth dress I picked out was a black one with gold sparkles on the bodice.

“That’s the one!” She exclaimed. “Finally!” I said. “Now shoes!” We looked through her shoes and settled on a pair of gold heels. We finished the outfit off with a necklace and some bangles. “Perfection!” Alli said, “Thanks, Ki!”

She hugged me, “No problem, Alli,” I smiled at her. “What are you wearing?” “This,” I held out my phone. She looked at the picture of the black one shouldered dress and white heels. “Totes adorbs!” She exclaimed. “Thanks, Alls,” I smiled.

“So do you want to go grab some lunch?” “Sure! Needa Pita?” “Of course!” She said and pulled me out of the room.


“So how does it feel to be starring in Life Has a Pointe?” The interviewer asked me.

“Oh my gosh. Words can’t even describe how grateful I am to be a part of this movie. The other dancers and I can’t believe that people are going to actually see this and see what our lives are like. It’s truly amazing. This is one of the best moments of my life,” I smiled for the camera.

“Well, we can’t wait to see it. It was great talking to you, Kiara,” The woman smiled.

“Thank you!” I said and made my way down the line of press. Soon, I met up with Alli. We did a quick interview with Bop magazine about us being best friends and they loved us. I smiled at Alli. She was so excited for me.

“Ready to go in?” She said to me after we were done with interviews.

“Yep! I just need to go to the bathroom. I’ll meet you at our seats?”

Got Me Good (Sequel to All I Need is One)Where stories live. Discover now