People Don't Change

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I finished tying the headband around my head. I sighed and looked at my outfit in the mirror. Purple galaxy tank top and black shorts. Good enough. I didn’t want to impress Cody. I slipped on my black converse and went down stairs. I skipped to the kitchen and Mum was cutting up some melon.

“Good morning, sweet heart,” She kissed me on the cheek. “Morning, mum,” I smiled and she handed me a plate of melon. I sat down at the breakfast bar and ate.

“What time do you have your meeting?” “Noon,” I said, glancing at the clock. “Since it’s 10:45, you should probably leave in about 15 minutes,”

“Right,” I finished my melon and grabbed my container of fruit from the fridge. I drank some water and took my medication. I grabbed a bottle of water and put all of my stuff in my bag. I ran upstairs and brushed my teeth before pounding down the stairs to the door.

“Bye Mum!” “Drive safely! Love you!” She yelled from the kitchen. “Love you too!” I said and went out to my car. I got in my black convertible and headed in the direction of the studio. I drove through McDonalds and got a smoothie. I sipped it as I drove. I slipped my sunglasses on and smiled.

The weather was perfect today. I turned up the music and sang along with the radio. At a red light, I popped in an old CD that I hadn’t listened to in years. The first song came on. It was Guitar Cry by Cody. I hastily changed it to Boyfriend by Justin Bieber. Wow, this was so old.

I finished my drive to the studio and I pulled up at 11:45. A valet parked my car for me and I walked in. I asked the receptionist where to go and she directed me down the hall to the right. I walked into the conference room and I saw Kevin.

“Kiara! There’s my star!” He smiled and hugged me. “Hi, Kevin!” I smiled.

“The agents and everyone will be here shortly. They got stuck in traffic. Cody was on his way as well. While you’re waiting, help yourself to some snacks,” He gestured to the huge snack table.

“Thanks, Kevin,” I smiled and picked up a chocolate milk, a cookie, and some other stuff.

“How’d you know that I love chocolate milk?” “I do my research,” He smiled. I was loving this!

Soon, Cody and the staff came in. Cody’s eyes flickered to me when he walked in. He sat across from me and looked me right in the eye with those bright blue eyes. I looked down at my chocolate milk and took a sip.

“Still drink chocolate milk?” He chuckled. “Yeah,” I smiled slightly.

“Looks like everyone’s here so we can start,” Kevin said, sitting in his chair at the head of the table,

“First thing’s first, Kiara and Cody, this is your team. Your personal assistants and acting coaches. If you need anyone else, we can get that for you,” Cody and I nodded.

“Now you two know each other, right?” Kevin said. We nodded.

“Good, because you two will be spending a lot of time together. And I mean a lot,” Cody glanced at me with a smile. I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

“The first read-through is on Tuesday and the rest of the cast will be here,” Kevin said, “And your first lesson with your accent coaches is on Monday,” Kevin’s assistants handed us the accent coaches' information and everything else we needed. I handed them to my manager who would take care of everything. Cody did the same, handing the papers to Matt. Matt smiled at me. I hadn’t seen him in two years. Kevin went through everything else and we were free to go.

“Want to go grab some lunch?” Cody asked me.

“Uhm,” I said, trying to think of an excuse.

Got Me Good (Sequel to All I Need is One)Where stories live. Discover now