{Chapter 2: Conflicted}

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I Ran. I ran from the meadow and found the road. I could see all down the road, it looked never ending. Not a single house or tree in sight. As I was running I had a sudden vision of myself flying, above my tree with Camo at my side. I closed my eyes and stuck out my arms, it felt almost... real. I herd a noise that interrupted my daydream, "HONK HONK." I opened my eyes and saw a bright light, I quickly jumped to the side of the road. "Stupid Kid!" the man yelled back at me. I just continued to run, but chuckled a bit at his remark. I didn't feel stupid at all, I felt . . . free.

When I arrived home i was greeted by my yelling mother. "YOURE LATE AGAIN! Why is your hair like that ? You look like you just took a dip in the sewer. Go clean your room, and stop writing in that STUPID JOURNAL!" She wacked the back of my head, and as I walked to my room in the basement, I felt tears swell up in my eyes. I layed down on my bed, and my vision was blurry as I felt tears run down my cheeks. My room was perfectly clean, I couldnt see anything wrong with it. I wiped my face and walked over to the mirror. "Destiny, there is nothing wrong with you. You're pretty." I told myself. I couldnt quite comprehend the words she had shoved in my face. I was her daughter, surely she didn't think I was that bad. Did she ?

I walked over to my closet, and climbed onto the top shelf; I opened a secret compartment my dad had built for me when I was little. My father was excellent. He built all kinds of secret passageways through the house that only we knew about. I reached in , and took from it , my journal.

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