{Chapter 7: Bennett's Bakery}

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Colin always had dated a bunch of air-heads. I knew it was only so that he could out-smart them or whatever then bang them I guess and then break their hearts and tell his friends about how good her body was. They were all a bunch of Bimbos and I'm kind of glad, because all those girls had played guys before but Colin broke the cycle.

They had usually deserved it. But lately, he has been really picky about girls. He talks to me about them alot. Like, he usually says something he doesn't like about their body or personality or just little annoying things that they do; and I just can't help but wonder if he has ever picked out my flaws or talked about me with his other friends. I kinda doubt it but I think too much, and I have way too much time to think.

I walked out into the living room and plopped onto the couch. The music had been turned-off so I didn't have anything to sing along to. I closed my eyes and let my mind wander. It always starts out with a good thought, and then a bad thought comes to mind and I start to worry. Like how I was going to be here alone all day. I could always ask the band for a random session. But then I remembered that Eddie had gone to Florida and Kaleb was out at some party. Maybe I should go to couceling tommorow ...

Nah. I didn't feel like going anyway... But when I went there.. Everyone was always so excited to see me. It was like, everywhere else, no one cared if I was gone or if I existed at all..

It seemed like Colin had it so easy. He could do pretty much whatever he wanted and his parents didn't care. My mom yells at me all the time for no reason! We have our good moments, but they never last long.

This weekend was going to be just like every other weekend. I would come home, and sit around, wondering, hoping, that maybe someone would ask me to hang out with them for a change. That someone, would want to hang out with me, besides Colin. I could understand his situation, he was a busy guy. But couldn't he just put some time on the side for me?

I needed someone who thought like me, and had time to spare. I mean, if I asked, Colin would come no matter what time no matter where, if he wasn't busy that is. But he doesn't ever have time it seems like. It's always 30 minutes or less. Then hes like, "Aw, I gotta go. Booty Call." I mean, he doesn't actually say that, but thats what it feels like. I'm going to have to go back to that dreaded place tommorow and see Colin cozy with some girl. Whats funny is thay next month it'll probably be a different girl under his arm. Why couldn't it be m-

I had to stop myself right there. I don't think I even like Colin much that way. I seriously think I'm just so lonely and desperate. Which is not a good combination at all. I think I know a few guys that like me, but it's always a stupid little crush. And they're always unattractive.

The thing is, I don't want to be somebody's crush. I want someone to like me for the real me. No one really knows me besides Eddie, Colin, and Kaleb. But they're all like my brothers. I sometimes think that I just need a friend thats a girl, who doesn't start drama or turn her back on me. But it's always happened in the past and I doubt anyone has changed. And don't even get me started on my mother. Shes not like a friend at all to me, more like a boss that you're afraid to approach 'cause you're scared you'll get "fired."

I glanced at the clock. Was it really 8:36? Time flies I guess. My dad used to say that time must be rich to own it's own jet that can fly that fast. I think that when my father died, my mom should've gotten councling instead of me. 8:30 is usually when I head downstairs and read until I fall asleep. But my mom wasn't here tonight, so I thought I'd go out. No where special, just to go see Uncle Bernard at the bake shop in town. He's pretty cool, and sometimes I hang out with him after school. He's the owner of the shop and hes 34 going on 35. He's kind of old but he has alot of stories to tell. It's nice having family moderately close, I mean the bike ride is fairly long, but only actually about a 25 minute ride. It only seems longer because we live out in the country.

My Uncle Bernard is divorced and has no children so It kinda sucks not having any children relatives. I have two cousins that are twins but they live in Maine, which isn't very close to Oregon. Bernard has scruffy black hair and has a goatee with bright blue eyes. His passion for baking is so great, and I sometimes just wish I could be passionate about something like him. Hes my dads brother and lives close, my mom goes and sees him very often. In fact, I wouln't be surprised if I went to the Bakery and she was there talking to him. Which reminded me of my destination.

I threw on my favorite red hoodie and put on my black vans. The shoes slipped nicely onto my tiny feet and the red hoodie was like wearing a big fur coat. I walked through the kitchen and into the garage. As soon as I layed my eyes on my bike I opened the garage door, kicked up the kick-stand on my bike and rode out of the driveway. I decided to bring my phone but didn't really care for the distraction. I really only took it incase my mother called me or something.

I felt the chill Autumn air flowing through my dark brown hair and took in a deep breath of it through my nose. I could smell the pines; I had always loved that smell. I blew out through my mouth and smiled. The air felt so fresh in my lungs, and so clean on my face. I felt so fantastic, almost like I was flying. I was soon greatful for the warmth of my hoodie as it got colder.

* * *

Thankfully there was still a bit of light in the sky when I stopped

at Bennett's bakery. I was never very fond of my last name, but you know, you get used to it. I walked into the shop to see fresh bread and cakes laying out for purchase. It smelled delicious in here, as it always did. I loved knowing someone who worked here so that I could go behind the thing that normal customers aren't supposed to go past. I got to see the kitchen where everything happened. Bernard made it look so easy when he laced the icing perfectly across the edge of those fine looking cakes. I had to say I could sit in here all day and talk with him.

His friend Rich was there sometimes, he's also a baker except he mostly delivers things. He always talks about getting a promotion. Every time I see him it's,"I know I'll get it this time, I can feel it in my gut." But he never does. I don't know why, because Rich is a perfectly likable guy. He's pretty much the same age as my uncle so, no love interest there, sorry.

Another part I loved about being at the bakery is being a taste-tester. Bernard is always like, "Destiny, taste this,""I don't really like this one, what do you think? Taste it!" Sometimes Bernard lets me put the icing on the cakes or place the little action figures on the cakes for kids. I thought about actually working here but you have to be at least 18, and at 15 the most I can do is wash

dishes, wrap stuff, or mop the floors.

I walked into the kitchen to see Bernard crying into his apron. I quickly ran over to him and asked what was wrong. He said, "Well Lindsey and I went to see the doctor today for updates on our baby and ... it died in the womb. We had been trying for a few years and when it finally happened, it didn't ... I just can't believe- Ugh." *Sniffle*

"Oh," I replied. "I'm sorry. You guys shouldn't give up though. I'm sure you'll figure something out. Adoption is always an option."

"Not for us. We don't have nearly enough money to pay for everything." He said.

"Hey, you still have me Bernard." I said with a half-smile.

He put his head up and gave me a long hug.

"You always know how to cheer me up kiddo." He smiled at me and then turned to his cake which was now ruined and frowned. "Well Destiny, you wanna help me fix up this piece of crap?"

"Indeed I do, Uncle." I replied.

* * *

By the time we fixed up the cake, it was 9:45. As Cake-making isn't easy business you know.

So I said goodbye and wished him the best, and set off for home. Not that I was looking forward to going back, in fact, I was so depressed about getting back there, that I took the long way. Which sucks. After awhile I thought to myself, Why the hell did I take the long way?

When I got home I was hoping for no more surprises, so I put my bike away and turned off the lights and watched Dazed and Confused until I fell asleep.

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