{Chapter 6: Blissful Flavor}

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Destiny's POV

I was dancing in my kitchen when he came. He just walked in, used to my house. I think it felt like a second house to Colin.

He danced beside me and winked at me, which made me laugh at him. He was funny, and smart, and he was my best friend. I glanced at the clock; 7:30.

I forgot I had counceling today, Well I guess I would just have to skip today. My mom was out where-ever and I couldn't drive yet.

"Where is your mom?" Colin asked.

"Out, until like 3 in the morning," I replied.

"Hmm, hey! Why don't you play our cd?," He suggested.

"Hold on, I left it in my room." I said to him.

I ran downstairs and looked in the mirror. I fixed my hair and put on a little bit more eyeliner. As soon as I was mildly comfortable about my appearance, I grabbed our cd from my bedside table. It was a marvelous cd that had many of our favorite songs. Including 1979 by Smashing Pumpkins, I write sins not tragedies by Panic at the disco, Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol, Expectations by Belle and Sebastion, So nice so Smart by Kimya Dawson, Read my Mind by The Killers, some songs that we wrote together, and alot of other songs.

Me and Colin had worked three hours a day for a week, trying to get all of the perfect songs for our cd. We put atleast Two-Hundred songs on it.

We call it, Blissful Flavor. Because it was blissful to listen to, and the flavor part just fits for us.

I remember the day we created it like it was yesterday.

We were in 8th grade, it was last year. The bell for school being over had just rang. I saw him close his locker and run towords me.

"Hey, lets get out of here. Lets go to our secret hideout!" He Exclaimed. "First let me grab my math book! Mr. Gersitch gave me extra algebra homework two nights in a row and I forgot to do it last night. He totally hates me; Alright. Lead the way!" I replied.

We walked out of the building doging everyone who tried to knock our stuff down or trip us mindlessly. Our bikes were all we had to get us home, we hated the bus and our parents refused to pick us up. Except for Colin's mom sometimes. It was indeed, a long ride. But we survived. We weren't heading home, may I remind you.

We were headed for our place; At Deer Creek. That is where we spent most of our time together. "I don't know about this new Kelsey Kid." I said, out of the blue. "I Like Her." Colin stated, (The ironic part is that he's dating her now).

"Thats why I'm not fond of her." I Replied.

"Are you jealous?"

"I am jealous of all the so called 'friends' you hang out with so much! When you're with them you act like I don't exist! Yes, I am jealous. Jealous of another person who gets more attention from you." I yelled, throwing my hands up in the air and almost crashing on my bike.

"Calm down Destiny. You're a better friend to me than any of those assholes. You have better taste in music, hobbies, clothes, and you have a sweet personality. You shouldn't be jealous. It's only my reputation; it's constantly barking at my heels. It's all bark, no bite though."

"I think I understand. But why does your reputation mean so much to you? You could just be free, like me." I closed my eyes for about three seconds and took in a deep breath of fresh air through my nose.

"Because ... It's better to get people to like you, I mean, I don't want everyone to hate me." He Stated.

"No one REALLY hates you, and no one REALLY likes you either. No one REALLY cares. A few people hate me, sure, but for the most part, people just see me as the quiet, musical one." I Explained. "I guess. Easier said than done Destiny. I can't just ditch my friends all of a sudden."

"You could. You could hang out with me; just tell them you're a different person now, and it is time for you to go down separate roads."

"My So called friends are too stupid to understand. They would just turn it into drama like they do everything else." He complained.

"I can't wait until high school. Everything will be easier. Or so I've herd. Plus, I have also heard that High school years, are the most fun. We just have to go through three years of hell to get to the golden gate." I Said.

"I never hear my parents talk about school. All they ever talk about is work, or the future. They stopped living in the moment a long time ago. It's sad really; They let the beauty of these moments escape their eyes. They are blind, and cannot understand me, because I understand things that they don't. Does that make sense?" Colin looked at me, with a serious expression on his face.

I turned my head forward and looked at the road ahead of me. I had to think about it for a moment. "Now. Right now, in this moment. I feel free. They must have felt it once, but were forced to shove away those memories by others unknown to us. Yes I understand. We as humans betray the moment, we look to the future. We wish to see our future on a silver plate. But we cannot, we musn't. Me and you choose to live in the moment, and that is all that matters.

It allows is to see what most others do not. It opens doors, completely closed off for others." I Exclaimed. I felt as If I was schooling him. My expression was a bleak smile, with the wind blowing the hair from my face, I was in the moment. That, Is how it started. With a song. Called, "Living in the moment."


When we got to the end of the road, the beginning of the woods, we walked our bikes to the creek and sat at the edge with our feet it the water. I liked how when you looked past, all you could see was more woods. I took out a piece of paper and a pencil, and we jotted down some ideas for the song. Like, "Don't waste your time, don't waste mine." "You can't stay like this forever. Following in the footsteps of the person I knew would hurt me, desert me." Stuff like that.

After about thirty minutes of writing ideas for songs, I pulled out my cd player. "Dammit. The batteries are dead. I can't listen to our first recorded session."

"Why don't we put all of our favorite songs on 1 epic cd?" Colin Suggested. "That's a perfect idea! Alright name the first song that comes to mind." I said. "Painted Black by The Rolling Stones." He said almost instantly. "I remember. That was the first song we played at our first actual gig. That was one of the best nights I had with our band. Eddie (The Drums) met that girl and we went to that pizza place afterwards. We totally trashed that place. Your dad was so pissed! Haha, anyways, thats a good start." I Laughed, remembering those times. "Yeah, and we found them making out in the back of the car while we were inside playing Prototype. Damn I miss those times. Yeah. Good start. Hmm, now you name one." Colin said smiling. "Prayer of the refugee and Make it Stop-September's Children by Rise against. We played that one on our 4th gig. That one was one of the best definetly." I stated. "Yeah. I remember that girl threw her shirt off and it landed on Kaleb's head and he got pissed and threw it back at her, cause it threw him off beat. But He looked at me and we just lost it. We were laughing so hard, I can't belive we kept playing. Kaleb always was the jackass." He said to me. We went to his house and put all of the songs on the new cd.

We had always had some good times there at Deer Creek.

I ran upstairs and put the cd in. The first song we put on the cd was Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. He grabbed my hand and danced with me. Then he got a text. "Hold on, I got a text from my girlfriend. She said she wants me to go over there." He looked at me sadly and said, "She told me it's urgent." He hugged me and ran out the door. I walked out the door and as he left, I whispered, "But you just got here." I gritted my teeth and saw him disappear into the country.


It was just like her to ruin the moment.

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