•Chapter One•

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Starting Over ;_;

Along the country roads of Michigan, somewhere around one in the morning, I tugged at the front of my red hoodie. I ran my fingers through my long messy locks of chocolate brown hair.
I had seen this road and passed over these fields extremely too much. You could hear my old bike chain rattling and dogs bark outside as I passed the houses and barns.The fresh scent of autumn night air filled my nose as I cleared these roads on my bike with skill. My worn-out leather purse hung over my shoulder.
I wasn't planning on stopping until I got to my brother's place. It was coming to the point where I just didn't care anymore. Neither did my mother, whom had mostly just given up. On me, on family, on herself, her job, everything.

Leaning left to turn onto cr. 13, I was getting the feeling of finality. My brother lived on this road, a house he shared with three of his friends. They might as well all be my brothers. I knew they'd all be awake, probably watching a Doogie Howser marathon eating left overs from Rulli's.
I looked to my right and pulled into the driveway seeing that the lamp by the window was turned on. I parked my bike beside the rusty old grey truck and walked up to the porch. I could see from the porch that the tv was on and someone was on the couch and someone on the big chair with the feet up. Hm, must be Jarod, I thought to myself. I twisted the doorknob and came through the screen door and both the guys sat up and looked at me. Richard was on the couch and he waved at me then turned his attention back to Doogie Howser. Jarod threw a hug on me and said, "Bout time." Then he opened the front door for me so we could go back out to the porch.
"I know," I sighed and walked to the lawn chairs and sat my purse down on the small table with the black ash tray. "I was gonna head over sooner but Grandma Charlotte stayed until like eleven and I swore to myself I'd clean my room today." I brought out my lighter and pulled a cigarette from the pack in my purse to my mouth. I halfway pulled one out and gestured the pack to Jarod and he took it to his mouth. I lit both our cigarettes and leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes.
"Me and Donnie went out to the Goodwill and I got a couple shirts and I think Donnie found a jacket. Glad to get outa the house, plus I really need the clothes. All my shit is getting worn as fuck, I haven't gone shopping in awhile. We picked up Kenny and your brother from work and then we all went to Rulli's. There's left overs if you want any," Jared explained.
"That's cool. I spy a new Scooby Doo shirt. Seems you," I said as I smirked and blew out smoke,
"Why isn't there music playing?"
I got up and swiped the CD player from the kitchen counter and Kenny stopped me before I went back out. He looked up and his long curly brown hair fell along his face, he said, "Hey Desty do u got the ten bucks you owe me? That pack best last you awhile cause I'm gonna be busy this week."
"Yeah, It's in my purse I'll go retrieve it after you tell me where you left the Violent Femmes CD."
"It should be up in the stack somewhere beside the tv," Kenny Replied.
"Thanks Man."
I grabbed the CD and brought Kenny his ten bucks. Kenny bought me cigs usually cause he was the one out and about. Plus, I knew Kenny the longest. He grew up living next to my brother. I'm about closer to him than my brother. Everything was always just chill though. Everyone helped each other out. We all stuck together. Unfortunately, I can't be there all the time. I'm the child they all look after. I'm the one going to school and having to leave every day. The Innocent one, I suppose. Although I figured I was far from that.
"I'm going to bed, night Desty," Kenny said.
"Night," I replied.
I turned off the tv and headed back outside to Jarod, who was lighting another cigarette. This time he took from his pack and offered me one. I took it but stood up and leaned on the railing by the CD player directly across from him. I lit our cigarettes and felt a feeling something close to longing. Like I were wishing he was here with me. But he wasn't, and it didn't matter and I should stop myself right here at this thought right now. That's when I decided to ask Jarod if he wanted to get high as shit. He said with a smirk on his face, "Hell yeah, you know I do."
So I sifted through my purse and packed a nice bowl. I let the smoke completely fill my lungs and held it for a bit and coughed slightly as it left my lips and blended with the autumn air. The oddly soothing fast mumbles of the Violent Femmes played in the background and I bit my lip and took another hit. Jarod smiled at me and said, "I fucking love this song," He began to sing along to the words, "When Ima walkin' I strut my stuff, man I'm so strung out. I'm high as a kiiite, I just miiight, stop to check you out."
I continued, "Let me go on, like I blister in the sun, let me go on."
I looked at Jarod. He really was hot. I mean he was three years older than me, but what's three years? My brother was 22 and so was Kenny but Jarod was the younger of the bunch, 19. I had always kept myself back and been whatever about it. He was my brother's friend. I never tried to make it about that cause they were my friends too. It would be too weird.

•Not Finished!! Just a glimpse at what the new story will be like. I hope you guys like the new and improved story!! All chapters after this are currently being worked on and may be read in as little as a month or two away. Leave comments and questions and opinions please!!•

RunawaysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora