49•Epilogue Part 1 of 2

Start from the beginning

"Yeah you should definitely talk to her." He turned on the tv cancelling out the silence in the room. "Is Melanie coming for Christmas?" I looked at him.

"She said she was, Arians been looking forward to it."

"Oh ok, that'll be good for her." I told him.

"Your mom said Melanie's flying in two days before Christmas. She's going to spend Christmas Eve with Arian at her parents house. That's our routine. She get her a day before every holiday."

"Cool." We sat watching Bad Boys playing on tv. We talked about my career and his retirement coming up. Things with my parents now couldn't be better. The system they have was working. They're closer than ever, more open and honest with each other.

"Babe, dinner's ready. I'm about to fix your plate. So y'all come on." Rai opened the door, getting our attention. Dad and I got up and made our way to bathroom to freshen up.

Tonight was lasagna night. Mom and Rai made a little bit of a spread, with the help of my baby sister and her garlic sticks. To go along with the lasagna they made some grilled veggies and a ceasar salad.

"You want lemonade?" My mom asked my pops. "Sure baby." He got Arian situated with her food. We all sat. I blessed the table. Looking everything over I smiled. "Man you and momma should start pinning these recipes."

"You haven't even eaten yet." Rai giggled.

"I already know it's hittin'." I gripped my knife and fork splitting the lasagna into bites, moaning loudly after taking my first mouthful. "Stop acting like I don't feed you." She smiled.

"Work have us busy sometimes. You know I be missing your cooking." I forked more lasagna into my mouth, eating like it was my last. We all laughed.

Lately Rai buried herself into work. I was counting down for Christmas break. The last few months I had been in Virginia, back and fourth. With the pop artist I worked with out there. He and I were remodeling our first art studio we built together. We had another grand opening because it was our very first venture. It was the first opportunity I got after working with my pops in sales. So Rai and I both were busy. Maybe I buried myself in work as well.

"We went to your grandfathers funeral." My mother spoke. "Oh ok, that's nice." I nodded simply. That's one conversation I was completely over. I'm glad they were able to go to get closure with all the colorism stuff. But I'm good on that. I embraced the distance a long time ago.

"I'm surprised you went dad." I added. "Your mother needed me. Regardless of the past I'm going to support her."

"Yeah." She smiled at him.

"That's amazing." Rai cooed at them. The rest of dinner we laughed and talked about the rest of the Christmas plans. I love seeing my wife around family. It's always good to take breaks. My dad and I tagged teamed the dishes. We took out the trash and finally parted ways to our women. Arian was already washed up and in bed.

Rai was in the bed with her back facing the door. I walked a little closer to her. "Babe, you sleep?" She didn't make a move or say a word. I knew she wasn't sleeping. I decided on giving in for the night. I would talk to her soon. Clearly she wasn't ready. 

I walked closer to her then leaned in and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight love." I went on to the bathroom to get myself ready for bed.


"Cyrene gone now!" Troy yelled running away from her. She held her shoe in her hand chasing him.

We made it over to Mike and Leah's. Everybody was already there upon our arrival. We were kicking it like the old days. Except this time I was staying upstairs with my wife, instead of the basement. They left everything in Rai's old room pretty much the same. We just added a bigger bed for when we came to town.

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