Chapter Forty-Five

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I jolted up and had nightmares but it's been awhile not having those. I thought they were gone but they aren't.

I left the bed quietly and saw Caitlin sleeping peacefully. I felt something uncomfortable in my ribs. I went to the restroom and threw up and flushed it.

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw myself having glowing eyes. Until it glared at me and said "Well hello me. Why are you with them those pathetic humans".

I didn't say anything but left the restroom. I saw Caitlin making breakfast and I said "Need any help". She said "Oh well yeah could you get the bacon and eggs for me". I nodded at her and helped her.

As we ate and she kept looking at me and I said "Is something wrong Caitlin". She said "Well are we going to talk about Zallus". I flinched. 'She knows kill her'.

I said "Yeah we will but I want to know what happened to Nora". She looked at me and said "Well last thing I remembered was she being locked up".

I nodded at her and I said "Well umm Barry left her in the future". She said "Wait what"? I said "Let's just head to work and Barry will explain everything". We went to work.

As we got their and heard yelling. We walked together and saw Barry and Iris fighting. Iris said "YOU LEFT OUR DAUGHTER IN THE FUTURE".

We didn't say anything but I said "Um guys I was the one to last see her". They looked at me with confusion in their eyes. I said "When I somehow got to the future and Nora helped me and got captured by Zallus and got rescued but I somehow ended up here".

Iris looked at me and she said "Well okay but listen Barry I need to go". She left and I said "Guys I'm going to meet up with someone".

They nodded and I left. As I left and went to find Iris. Until I saw lighting and I followed it. As they stopped and I stopped.

They looked back and I saw a women and she said "Hi mom". I was so confused. I said "What do you want". She said "Well I just need help and my name is Skylar".

I said "What do you need help with daughter". She put her hoodie down and I took my mask down. She looked like me but she looked like Caitlin with her brown eyes.

She said "Well I want to know if Nora is here". I said "Well I don't know where she is".

She sighed and said "I thought I would find my mate here". I was shocked but she did smelled like me, Caitlin, and Sara. But her scent was like a werewolf.

I said "Um Skylar do I have more kids". She nodded and said "You have another daughter taking care of your son". I was confused and she said "This is the first time I'm meeting you".

I said "What about your other mother's". She had this sad look and she said "I don't want to talk about it". She left. I stood their and thought for I don't know how long.

—3 hours later—

I was so confused and I left. I went back home and changed into something comfortable.

I heard the door opened and saw Caitlin. She said "Where did you go but also who did you meet up with". I said "I wanted to meet up with Iris but I saw our daughter". She looked confused and said "Wow that's a lot to process".

I nodded at her and said "Listen I can talk to you about this tomorrow but for now I want to sleep". She nodded and I went our room and slept.

—The next day—

I woke up feeling lonely. I looked around and my other half was empty. I got up and walked downstairs and everything was trashed and I heard Caitlin scream.

I followed the voices and I saw the creature and I yelled "HEY LET HER GO". It looked back and said "Hello sister have you changed your mind". I shook my head and turned into a werewolf.

I attacked it and it grabbed me like it was nothing.

It threw against the window and I heard glass breaks.

—End of dream—

Until I woke up and I looked around and see Caitlin sleeping next to me. I kept looking around and everything was normal.

How and why did I have this dream. I saw Caitlin moving and she looked at me. She said "Are you okay"? I said "No I had nightmare but it seemed so real".

She said "Hey it's okay it was just a nightmare". She hugged me and I hugged her back.

We went to work and I said "Babe you can stay at home. You don't have to work". She said "It's fine I want to work since it keeps my mind occupied". I nodded at her.

—40 minuets—

As we talked well except Nora since they went to look for her. I went with Caitlin to find out what Cicada 2 took.

We we're breached in Caitlin's father base and it was cold but luckily I had a coat. As we're walking and I said "So have you talked to Frost". She said "No it's been awhile but I'm sure that she doesn't want to talk".

I said "I think I know a way for Frost to talk". I took out a pamphlet and started talking and she said "Stop talking". She hit the ceiling that been opened. Thank you Ralph.

She closed it. She went back to Caitlin and I said "Told you I could get her out". We chuckled and walked around the base.

As we got to a place and it looked trashed but I felt something mostly sense something. I shrugged it off and saw a tiny refrigerator opened and we looked around.

I saw a viles missing and I said "Cait look some of the viles are missing". She said "Your right but I think I know what that was". I looked at her confused and said "What do you mean"?

She said "Well Cisco made a meta-human cure but those were prototypes".

We went back and saw the team with Nora but I remembered my daughter. They had a weapon to take down Cicada with her dagger.

As they were talking I heard 'Brothers and Sisters I need you to find her because you know what happens when y'all don't follow the rules'.

I felt a pain in my head like someone threw a brick at me. I screamed in pain and fell on the floor. The others were calling me out but the pain was really bad until it stopped.

Caitlin said "What just happened to you"? I said "The Zallus are looking for me but I don't know how long time I have".

Until I saw a light and saw my daughter. Are you serious right now. The team were looking at her and she pulled down her hoodie.

I said "What are you doing here daughter"? She said "To save you obviously but also can I talk to you alone". I nodded at her and we stepped away.

She said "Mom I'm too early for this because Nora will encounter me 4 months from now in the future".

I sighed and said "For now be friends with her". She smiled and nodded. As we went back and I said "Okay team this is my daughter from the future her name is Skylar".

Barry said "Wow that's a lot to process". Skylar looked at Caitlin with sad eyes.

I said "I know it's a lot but anyways Skylar what are you here for". She said "To save you from Zallus". I looked at her shocked and said.

Caitlin Snow, Sara Lance/ Fem You *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now