09 - sleepovers

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I sat down on my bed and took a deep breath. Luke came over to me and looked me in the eye. 

"I'm really sorry Est.. really.. I should have spoken up.." Luke told me.

"It's fine" I shrugged "Seriously, don't worry about it. I promise i'm not mad."

"it's just hard y'know?" He asked. "We all used to be so close and then it turned to shit. I get it was Cal's fault but we just miss the way things used to be."

"I do too luke, but like I said. Just give me some time." I told him. 

"Yeah" He sighed.

"It's like when we had that stupid psyc class together.. I wanted nothing to do with either of you. The first time I met Michael he was all over me and I thought he was the biggest douche out of all of you. It turns out he was the one that was really there for me when that whole shit with Kasey happened. Not that you weren't its just we spent a lot of time together. It's crazy what time and patience can do."

"I understand." He nodded "I'm gonna go talk to the guys.. they're probably freaking out right about now."

I just laughed and nodded. 

"Good night Lucifer" I smirked.

"Goodnight smurph" he chuckled. 

He walked out the door and I sat there for a second. I went on my phone and saw I started to get millions of notifications. I went to the twitter settings to turn them off because I guess people have been figuring out who I am. I didn't mind though.

I just sat and thought. I wasnt really all that tired and what happened tonight made me sleepless. Someone knocked on my door and I chose to ignore it. I really didn't want to know who it was, fearing it might be Calum. The door opened anyways and I figured it was someone from management. No one else would have a key.

"Ester" Nialls voice filled the silence. I closed my eyes and pretended I was asleep because I really didn't want to have to explain why my eyes were red.

"I know you're not asleep" He said and jumped on the bed. "I just talked to Luke."

"I could have fallen asleep in that time" I told him. 

"But you're not now" He smiled. I couldn't be mad at him, he was far too cute. He had a guitar with him and he just sat down. I moved over and rested my head on his legs and listened to him play.

"Want to talk about what happened tonight?" He asked.

"Does everyone know?" I whined. 

"No, I was just guessing something happened... You don't seem... all there." He shrugged and kept playing a soothing melody. 

"No" I sighed "I don't want to talk about it" 

He stayed silent and just played. It calmed me down and silenced all of the thoughts I had. 

"Y'know for such an amazing girl, you have a lot going on.." Niall told me. 

"I know" I sighed "Sometimes I wonder how I handle everything." 

"I can tell you always seem to be overwhelmed. Except when you're taking pictures.." He chuckled. 

"I know.. it's a sad cheeseball story." I giggled "I get so absentminded when I'm working."

"That's a good thing" He assured me "That's how I feel when i'm on stage... I feel like nothing else in the world could bother me." 

"I know what you mean" I smiled. 

"I like that you're so easy to talk to" He admitted "You're very down to earth. Not everyone whose thrown in to an atmosphere is like that.. Most people would expect the world." 

"I don't need the world" I told him. 

"That's why you're different." He told me. 

"Thanks" I smiled "You're okayish too" I joked.

"That hurts" He acted offended "I thought I meant more to you than that!" 

"I mean I didn't want to say anything but..." I went along with it "I'm actually secretly in love with you." I whispered

"Is that my que to ask you on a date?" he chuckled.

"Only if you're going to take me on a cute walk afterwards." I winked. 

"It was supposed to be a surprise" he sighed. He put down his guitar and moved to lay down next to me. He layed on his stomach and looked at his phone. "Check this out. I saw this an hour ago and forgot to show you."

He showed me a picture that a fan took of me. It was of me with my camera and it made me look like a super hero. It made me look bad ass.

"This is so cool" I widened my eyes "Can you send this to me?" I asked.

"Is that your way of getting my number?" He smirked. 

 "How'd you know" I winked. 


The whole night I was with Niall. We spent the night trying to make each other laugh and it was so easy ot be around him. I really liked his company and I enjoyed talking to such a nice person. He had some interesting views on life and I really enjoyed listening to what he had to say about everything. 

When I woke up he was still here and we were in the same bed cuddling. Cuddling.

I just met this guy and we're already asleep in the same bed. I was so comfortable that I decided not to move. I was warm and it was nice to have his arm around me. 

"IT'S TIME TO GET UP" Harry's voice startled me as it suddenly slapped the silence away. He walked farther into the room and then stopped. 

"Oh" He looked at us.

"How the hell do people keep getting the key to my room" I whined. 

"Jesus i'm still here" Niall said. His morning voice was incredibly hot and I couldn't help but smile. "I'm not complaining" He chuckled. 

"I truly enjoy waking you up, Ester because you are such a morning person but now that I know you'll be having company.. I think I'll pass..." Harry said. 

"This wasn't planned. We were hanging out last night and he fell asleep." I told him "We both did. I had a long night and I needed a friend to talk to."

"And you just happen to chose Niall over your long-term friends that you used to go to school with? People you've known way longer than this idiot" Harry joked.

"He just happened to be the one to come in here when I needed to talk." 

"Harry, if you're jealous just say so" Niall laughed. He was getting up now and he grabbed his guitar to head out. he picked his shoes up and then started to follow Harry out of the room. Before he got too far he came over and kissed me on the cheek.

"Goodmorning" He smiled and walked out. 



This gives me too many feels k bye

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