TEN: Something in the air

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Chapter 10. Something in the air 



June 9th 2006

THE SEASONS FLITTED FROM SPRING TO SUMMER. Delphi knew the coming week, would forever change her life.

The streets were full of people enjoying the summer and there was something about it.

As the sunlight dimmed, Delphi left her loft and went towards Victoria's new place. It was at the furthest reach from the city centre, skirting Seattle.

The sunset was pretty, but it brought her a vision of another, prettier one. One where the horizon was this orange colour that you can almost taste and the sky was bruised purple and she was happy.

Trailing behind the upcoming sunset, was a storm maybe an hour out.

During the leisurely human pace she took, Delphi thought. How things had changed. How it only took one night for her to decide to stay. How she had slowly forgotten who she was in the weeks that followed. How confronting Riley almost immediately made her hate him and herself less.

In the passing of the last two months, the animosity between her and Riley and faded into light bickering between the two and didn't hurt as it did before.

Even after everything, things didn't change enough for her to feel sympathetic towards Victoria.

Every day that passed, she honed her craft the best she could, getting to know that world and future around her.

Delphi that she was as much to blame as Victoria for what she had become, but she knew that she was going to be better and that started with getting Riley away from her.

She walked along the cracks on the pavement until she was where no one else would be.

Delphi didn't have to wonder what Riley and Victoria were doing, she could hear them, giggling, and she was glad she couldn't see them.

Flowing up the stairs and into the room, she saw the blond boy's figure struggling into a shirt when he heard her approaching. He looked as guilty as she felt murderous, but you wouldn't know it unless you knew them as well as they knew each other.

Victoria was lain in white satin sheets eyes closed and she looked peaceful, asleep almost.

Like an instinct she imagined herself doing the one thing she couldn't actually see for Victoria's future. How she died. Delphi knew that she did, just not how.

Like an instinct, the wild woman leapt to her feet. Crouched, on all fours, looking for a threat. The robe as red as her clung to the form.

Noticing the blonde girl, she knew what had happened. Her ability protecting her from any danger, but then again sometimes Delphi did this now and then on purpose just to irritate the woman.

A look crossed her face, one all too familiar. It was the same look Delphi wore when she was so close to just punching Evan in the face. Victoria cleared her throat, it was gone.

Floating towards the rack of clothes, Victoria let the robe drop and the silk fell like it was flying.

Victoria wasn't naked for long, but Delphi saw everything, the image was burned into her mind and she really didn't need it there.

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