FIVE: Only Kids

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Chapter 5. Only Kids

AFTER A MONTH OF INCESSANT TRAINING, VICTORIA HAD FINALLY LET UP, IT WAS TIME. Delphi would finally meet the so-called newborn army from her vision.

The journey was in silence. All their journeys seemed to be. And she soon figured out that all their interactions were going to be kept to a minimal of conversation.

They travelled under the cover of the moonlight, which was for the best. The residents of Settle didn't need to see two disco-ball looking angels zooming throughout the city.

Before the trip began, she was told of ways Riley kept them inline, two lies. Sunlight and wooden stakes kill and only kill those who won't be missed

It was simple enough to abide by.

It was on the other side of Seattle, the furthest point from forks. An abandoned apartment complex set for demolition in a month. But she saw plenty of other places where they hid out.

She thought that where Victoria was in the down-and-outs until she the scene before. The foliage surrounding every inch of the boarded-up windows. Shattered glass and garbage everywhere and they hadn't even entered yet, and blocks surrounding were also empty, they were truly in the dregs.

With narrowed eyes, she aimed the titular judgemental look of Lexi towards her old friend.

Riley shoved passed her judgment and opened the double doors that lead into darkness.

The pair flew downstairs and into the basement of the apartment complex.

The closer they got to the nest of newborns, she started to feel anxious, something she hadn't felt since before her transition. Her grip on her backpack strap tightened, but she donned a mask of confidence she continued

The aggressive sound of clicking and yelling was the familiar sound of teenage boys playing video games, was what greeted her.

Stepping through the threshold of the basement, eyes like hers focused on her, but when they saw Riley everyone was stood at attention.

Looking at him now, he was a different person, not meek like he was with Victoria or passive-aggressively silent with her. This the was man she was when she opened her eyes.

He sauntered into the room with the same swagger he used on her that first day and this time got the reaction he wanted. "Attention everyone."

"This is Delphi. Our newest member an—" his pause was long and uncomfortable on her part but he added, "and my second. I trust you you'll treat her with the same respect."

With his announcement complete he sent a quick glare all around and left in the same hurt he came in.

As the door slammed shut behind him, a new sound occupied her attention. The steps of an oncoming figure who halted before her, five feet between them.

His height cut of at about three inches taller than her and carried a look of disdain, "looks like you've replaced Diego as Rileys head-bitch huh?"

"Oh don't worry Raoul, you'll always have a special place right by his heel."

Shock coated the features of the killer dressed at the sixteen-year-old boy.

His lackeys roused at the disturbance in the power.

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