INTERLUDE: Fall from Grace

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INTERLUDE. Fall from Grace



January 16th, 2000

THE THUD OF A CAR DOOR, brought Riley back to the real world and he didn't like it one bit.

When his family moved to Forks, no one had been happy about it, least of all him. But with his mother's new job of running the emergency department at the hospital and his parent's apparent need to 'getaway', they ended up in the nowhere town of Forks Washington.

Now he was here sitting in his sister's new-old car sitting outside of the Forks Middle School and High School joint car park

After fifteen minutes of silence, Jenny glances at him and smiles.

"What?" He said with frustration in his voice.

"Riley honestly, what's the harm in smiling. You're starting a new school and you hated your old one."

"There's nothing to smile about. I still had friends back home and I want nothing to do with this stupid town. "

"Stop being such a victim. I'm not the reason you got expelled and we had to move hundreds of miles away from home."

Harsh but true, but he was still offended.

"Hey!" he exclaimed in contempt.

A yellow bus comes to stop outside and dozens of kids come pilling out. A couple of kids skid on the ice and a few steps into puddles.

Jenny takes off her seatbelt and turns to fully face him. "Riles it'll be good for you. You blame yourself for all the stuff with mom and dad but it's not your fault. They've got to deal with their own shit"

"Let's agree to disagree"

"Just stop isolating yourself, okay. Make some friends, find the beauty in Forks."

"There's nothing beautiful about a place like this."

Running her fingers through her hair she took a deep breath in. Jenny didn't like the new Riley who was so pessimistic, she missed the little boy who always saw the best in everyone.

Reaching back to grab his backpack, he clambered out of the car slamming the door.

The crisp spring air was more like the autumn wind was thundering against his windbreaker as he made his way over to the unfamiliar entrance.

Listening to his Walkman and in his own world, Riley didn't notice the puddle he was about to step into but avoid it in the last second.

Steadying himself, he went to cross the parking lot and saw a figure running towards him at full speed, unaware of the oncoming bus. Her foot landed on the ice and she was done for.

The girl fell into his arms and into his heart.

Books spilt everywhere and the look on her face was mortified.

She was his around his age, he noticed. Green eyes and a face full of freckles, she was stunning. She had a head of red blonde hair that he didn't know the colour for and a cute scar above her eyebrow.

Maybe there was something beautiful about this place after all.

Once he returned her to the safe footing, a dimpled smile broke out on her face. "My hero"

Prophetic  ▹ Riley Biers (Daughters of Lilith I)Where stories live. Discover now