SIX: Hope Springs Eternal

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Chapter 6. Hope Springs Eternal


On Riley's watch, two newborns were 'lost to the sun' and four were lost to Raoul's cruelty and need for entertainment, gladiator style. But some would just call it good old spring cleaning.

Before it happened she sent Victoria a quick text to hopefully lessen the fury that would be waiting for him when he went to the lair.

When March finally rolled around, Delphi felt the shift in demeanour but it wasn't positive. The idea of sunlight being in their life more and the days being longer had the newborns scared and she wasn't allowed to do anything about it.

Deep down she understood, even had they not been turned, their lives would've been less than perfect. After almost a fortnight with the kids, she started to realise a pattern. That they're were all expendable and replaceable, the streets of Seattle had more than have enough dregs to make an army.

When both Riley and Delphi stayed all day with kids, they knew something was up. Both Raoul and Kristie's gangs moved from bugging Riley to bugging her about why after he snapped.

Even thought she wanted to give them some sort of good influence, they weren't making it easy.

Delphi was laying flat on her belly with a sketchpad that was almost filled up. With the fourth time someone approached her, the led of her pencil crushed to dust under the pressure she exerted.

She wanted to give them some sort of good influence, they weren't making it easy. So she wasn't going to take the high road.

Looking into the distant future to see both her and Riley say something along the lines of, "You know, just because I don't have such a sunny disposition at Riley, doesn't mean that when push comes to shove, I won't hold you down and rip you apart and burn your appendages one by one. Don't take my kindness for weakens."

Scattered. That was that they did, leaving nothing to obstruct the clear view from her to Riley.

The was an unreadable look on his face. Well, not exactly. Its was completely readable. Delphi just wasn't ready for the array of emotions to grace his face, before he stormed off.

"So, you and Riley close?" Diego was once again looking up at her from her perch from where he ignored the world.

"Is that what the exchange told you, that we're close?" She was astounded at how he came to that conclusion. It was correct of course and she understood that anyone with a brain could see something was going on. But most of these kids, bless them, were morons.

"I thought it was obvious that he hated me. She sure seems to enjoy every time he snaps at me," Delphi grumbled out before it was too late.


"Her," she replied in imitation of the frighted kids who rarely mention their one meeting with Victoria.

"Oh," awkward filled room and ears were pricked all around with tension. The topic was mostly forbidden.

Picking back up where the conversation was eventually going to lead to, "Okay, but you never did tell me if you thought I was prophetic."

"I didn't have to. You know you're right. I did lose my kid brother, it was my fault."

Prophetic  ▹ Riley Biers (Daughters of Lilith I)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora