Chapter 17: Breaking Up

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Chapter 17:Breaking Up

Harry woke to someone kissing lightly on his lips. He looked down and saw Hermione smiling up at him. It took Harry a while to notice that he had fallen asleep with Hermione in his arms. 

“Hermione!” Harry jumped up from the couch. “I’m really sorry about last night, you were all sad and upset and oh, I know you’re going to really hate me, but please, please forgive I didn’t mean any of it…”

“You didn’t?” Hermione asked with an upset tone.

“No, no, no! Course I meant it but I know-“

“Okay, you don’t need to go on about it again. But I really don’t hate you for anything, I can never hate you.” Harry relaxed. “Come sit down,” Hermione patted the spot next to her and Harry fell into the seat.

“What are you going to do Hermione?”

“Do what? Oh! Um, I don’t know. I really don’t know,” Hermione sighed.

“Come one, let’s go get some breakfast first,” Harry suggested.

“Good idea. I can never think with an empty stomach!”

Harry and Hermione walked into the Great Hall, holding hands. Hermione looked towards the Slytherin table immediately. She expected him to be sitting with Zabini and all the other people again, but she was surprised that he was sitting well away from Zabini. Several people spluttered and stared. It was not as bad as when Draco and Hermione first showed public affection, but this was just as bad.

“I thought they were friends?”

“I thought she was dating Draco Malfoy.”

“Well it was a matter of time he dumped her. Don’t even know what he saw in the first place.”

“Do you really think so, well if she lost her chance, maybe I can give it a go? I know he’s a Slytherin but he’s so hot.”

People were muttering things about them and Draco and what was more, the girls seemed to be not care whether Hermione heard what they were saying about pursuing after Draco or not. Ever since the final battle, Draco had become famous within the female population. He had everything. Looks, money and in the case of the war, the bravery to stand up to the Dark Lord.

Since the war and McGonagall had replaced Dumbledore as Headmaster of Hogwarts there was no longer so much prejudice amongst Slytherins and other houses. Of course, Slytherins still kept to themselves most of the time but it wasn’t a rare occurrence when people saw interactions between Slytherins and a non-Slytherin. 

Harry and Hermione joined Ron at the Gryffindor table, who was also goggling at them, but in a happy-for-them way.

“Finally! It was a matter of time you asked Hermione out mate,” he said slapping Harry across the back.

“Ouch! Yeah I guess…” Harry didn’t want to go on about his affections for Hermione.

“What do you mean it was a matter of time before Harry asked me out?” Hermione asked, eyeing them suspiciously. 

“Wha-? Oh. Didn’t you tell her about your crush?”

“No…” Harry mumbled.

“Oh my gosh! Harry…” Hermione pulled Harry into a hug, causing several people to wolf-whistle.

When they broke apart, they were both red in the face, and Ron was smirking broadly.

“So, what did happen?” he asked.

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