Chapter 5: At the Christmas Ball

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Chapter 5: At the Christmas Ball

Ginny and Hermione made their way to the Great Hall for lunch.  They were extremely hungry after their snowball fight out in the grounds. Fortunately they didn’t get wet, but they were chattering, and shivering from head to toe. 

“Excellent! It’s the Chinese food day,” exclaimed Ginny excitedly. “I love Chinese food day!”

Pulling the closest bowl of fried rice towards her, she spooned a whole spoonful, and ate it in one bite.

“Dis is dummy!” 

“I beg your pardon?”

Ginny swallowed and said, “This is yummy.”

“Ohhhh…” Wondering if all the Weasleys just loved food exclusively. “I think I’ll try some honey chicken and spring rolls today.”

Hermione pulled the plate with honey chicken and spring rolls towards her, and picking up the chopsticks (she learnt how to use them when she and her parents went to Hong Kong when she was nine). Hermione bit into the spring roll, and the delicious juice squirted into her mouth.

“Mmmmmm… This is delicious!”

“Hermione, Malfoy’s staring at you.”

Hermione turned around, and saw Draco Malfoy staring at her. When he saw her staring at him, he grinned at her. She shivered violently and turned back to Ginny. 

“What’s he playing at? He’s gone all nice and stuff.”

“Hermione, is there something going on between you and him?”

“Ginny!” gasped Hermione. “How dare you say that!”

“Sorry! I was just suspicious. He is suddenly so nice.” 


They both burst out laughing. 

“Quick, lets finish our lunches. There’s only…” she checked her watch, “ about two hours left; and we’ll need at least an hour and a half to get ready.”


They finished their lunches and quickly went to Hermione’s dorm. It was bigger and closer so they could help each other with their clothing.

Banana Soda.” The portrait swung back, and they clambered through the portrait, and walked through Hermione’s dorm. “I wonder who sets the passwords.”

“Based on that probably Dumbledore.”

They dressed into their beautiful dresses, and Hermione went to her walk-in-robe to get her new high heels.

“How do you think these will look with my dress?” she asked Ginny, holding out the shoes.

“That’ll look phenomenal !” she emphasized the last word. “Should I wear the earrings you bought me?”

“Yeah, that’ll look nice. Help Ginny! I haven’t thought about what I’m going to do with my hair.”

“Hmm… here, come over here. I think I know what to do.”

Hermione walked over and Ginny sat her down in front of the mirror.  First she washed her hair with the aguamenti  charm in the basin she conjured up. Then she dried it up. After that, she sleeked it with a tricky charm, and finally she brushed it into a loose, but tight bun on the side.

“There we go!”

Hermione looked at herself in the mirror, and gasped.

“Ginny, thank you sooooo much! It looks perfect! What are you going to do with your hair?”

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