Chapter 2: Thoughts

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Chapter 2:Thoughts 

Harry awoke with a start; someone was knocking on the door. He walked over, head feeling very heavy, and opened the door.  Hermione stood there her hair not tied up, her robes were not put on, and only one shoe was on her feet. It was obvious that she was dressing as she made her way towards Harry’s room.

“Harry quick, we’re going to be late. We forgot to set clock on the clock tower last night, so everyone’s going to be late, but the heads of houses are going to every house, but if you don’t hurry up, we’re going to be late!” She said all in one breath. 

“Let me sleep some more,” he said angrily.

 “No you can’t Harry, potions is our first lesson.”

“Good, I don’t want to see Professor Malfoy, and I want some more sleep.”

 “You don’t want to lose points on your first day do you? Because remember, she is a professor, and she can take away house points.”

“Oh bother.”


Hermione and Harry met Ron at the entrance to the dungeons.

“Where’ve you been? I was waiting for you guys in the common room, but you guys never came back,” he demanded as they made their way to the back of the room.

“We’ll tell you later,” Hermione said quickly as Narcissa made her way in the room.

“Good morning everyone, as you all know I’m Professor Malfoy, which means, I’m Draco’s mother.” She looked towards Malfoy who was avoiding her gaze. “So if I see any of you hurting or bullying Draco or his friends, you shall get the harshest punishment.”

Hermione heard Harry silently scoff. She knew perfectly why. If anyone was bullying or hurting anyone it would be Narcissa’s darling Draco. 

“Honestly, she doesn’t even try and conceal her favourism towards Slytherins.”  Hermione said angrily, 45 minutes later. “And Syltherins are the ones bullying, not Gryffindors’.”

Both Harry and Ron nodded vigorously.

“So, now can you tell me why you two didn’t return to the common room last night?”

“Harry needs to have his own ‘protective’ common room and dormitory.”

“Then why didn’t you return Hermione?”

“It’s my ‘responsibility’ as head girl to ‘protect’ Harry. So I have to stay with him.”

“What! You’re sharing the same dormitory?” he sad wildly, looking from one to the other.

“No, we all get our own rooms Ronald. Use your brains,” Hermione said restlessly.

“Oh, I thought that yo-“

“Are you guys ever going to move, or do I need to curse your heads off?”

They whipped around, and Malfoy was standing there smirking his head off. Hermione suddenly stood rigged, feeling breathless. Suddenly very horrified at the fact that she was feeling breathless around Malfoy, she pinched herself, which brought herself to normal.

“I’ll like to see you try.”

Malfoy made a move to get to his wand, but Harry got there before him.

“One move, and I’ll hex you.”

Pansy Parkinson glared at Harry, and Malfoy was backing away.

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