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Jimin sat up on the couch, it's been a while since Yoongi left for the restroom, and Jimin was getting bored at this point. The boy was slouched against the soft couch watching the commercials now playing instead of the 'R' rated drama. Jimin fiddled with his thumbs counting the seconds that Yoongi was gone. Jimin huffed, he looked from side to side to check if the older was coming back anytime soon. He got up from the couch and made his way into the hallway where the older had disappeared to a while ago.

Making his way to the bathroom he lifted his hand, his long sleeve sliding down a bit revealing his slim wrist before softly knocking. "Yoongi?" Jimin asked softly, he got no response. Jimin being impatient didn't wait any longer and pushed the door open, which wasn't locked, he peeped his head in just a little just in case Yoongi was really in the bathroom. To his surprise he wasn't, Jimin walked all the way in with his brows pulled to a frown confused where the elder could have gone, he closes the door and makes his way to Yoongi's bedroom; since it was the only place in the house that he could probably be, besides his studio. Jimin's bare feet could be the only thing heard in the empty hallway. Jimin finally made it to the room that the two males shared, Jimin had this gut feeling not to go inside, but he wanted to know where the older had disappeared off to. His small hand reached the silver handle, Jimin thought about his decision but decided nothing could go wrong with just opening the door. Oh was he wrong.

Jimin pushed the door open slowly, low grunts could be heard; his first thought was that the rated R drama was back from the from the four minute commercials. Once again he was wrong. Jimin's eyes fixated on the sight, Yoongi sprawled out on the bed, his hair in a ruffled manner. Jimin gasped out in horror, he closed the bedroom door and made his way back to the living room waiting for Yoongi to come back.


Yoongi was on the phone ordering pizza from a parlor down the street. Jimin was siting on the island in the kitchen with his feet dangling making him seem smaller than he really was. Yoongi would every now and then look in the youngers direction and coo at how cute he looked, the more yoongi thought, Jimin was actually a really good looking kid, the way he would smile and his chocolate eyes would disappear, how his little crooked tooth would show, the way his small hands would press the keys on the key bored. Every aspect of Jimin was cute to say the least.

"Hello? Sir, are you still there?" The woman on the phone called out, the elder had spaced out while looking at Jimin.

"Uh, yes. I'm sorry, what did you ask?" Said Yoongi scratching the nape of his neck embarrassed he got distracted so easily.

"What toppings would you like?"

Yoongi took the phone away from his ear and using his hand to cover the microphone, "Jimin," the boy looked up from the floor to look at Yoongi who was calling his name. "What do you like on your pizzas?" Jimin thought for a second, then saying with his reply with no stutter.

"You like pineapple on your pizza?" Yoongi said with distaste, with no argument he brought the phone back to his ear again and requested for half pineapple and half pepperoni. Yoongi wasn't about to eat pineapple pizza. (A/N I happen to like pineapple with my pizza)

After Yoongi hung up he went to stand in front of the boy with broken taste buds, his arms crossed over his chest with disapproval written all over his face. "What?" Jimin asked.

"Oh nothing, just the fact that you are a monster."

Jimin rolled his eyes, "Really? Why are you so against pineapple on pizza?" Jimin has always been judged with his choice of topping. He just never understood why people don't like it. Jimin brought his arms to overlap across his chest. "Have you even tried it hyung?"

Hyung; it seemed to fall from the youngers mouth so easily, yet the older couldn't believe this huma- ghost was in front of him. Yoongi was in awe as Jimin looked so effortlessly handsome. The word hyung never effected Yoongi in any way, well that was until the elder moved into this hose. Hyung sounded good, and made his heart do flips in his chest when Jimin called for him with a soft hyung.

"Yoongi hyung?" Jimin's hand waved in front of the olders face trying to bring him back to earth, Jimin noticed Yoongi zoning out more often. And Jimin would be lying if he said he wasn't worried. In which he was.

"Sorry," Yoongi said scratching the back of his neck as the tips of his ears turned a pretty shade of pink. "And I-I have had pineapple pizza." He said refusing to make eye contact.

Jimin laughed at his hyung. Jimin could see it in his body langue that he was lying, it wasn't hard to catch. "Hyung?" There was that word again. Yoongi looked up at Jimin with a smile painted on his full lips. "Are you lying?" Jimin asked leaning closer to Yoongi with a playful smirk.

"N-no!" Yoongi once again looking away. He just can't seem to look at him.

"Then look me in the eye."

Yoongi brought his gaze that was looking at the floor to Jimin, who still had a small smile on his cute face. "Whatever."


This chapter is kinda sweat and short, like me lol

Oh! I have a question, I want to give my readers a name? Like a fandom name?

Could you guys help me out?

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