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I am happy to say this is now my second story now on Wattpad! I hope many of you take interest in this story!
"Alright mom, yes Im sure." Yoongi spoke over the phone with his mom. She was not exactly thrilled when she found out her youngest son was moving to another city. "Mmh. I promise I'll call everyday, alright bye." Yoongi has been trying to hang up and continue packing but she keeps insisting that there are plenty of nice houses in Deagu. "I love you too mom." Was the last thing he said as he took his phone away from his ear and ending the call putting his phone in his back pocket.

He sighed looking at all the cardboard boxes filling up his hallway. One by one he took a box and placed it in his truck. "Ah, why must I own so many things." He said to himself caring a semi-heavy box. "Yoongi Hyung?" A young voice spoke. He had put the box on the ground only to be accompanied by a small boy who seemed to be six years old. Yoongi smiled at the little boy.

"Hey Min Joo!" Yoongi spoke ruffling the young boys hair. Joo giggled at the sudden action and tried to push the oldest hands away.

"Hyung~" He whined.

"Where's your mom? Hmm?" Yoongi has been their neighbor since he was 19. Knowing he will no longer get to see little Joo anymore makes him sad, as well as not seeing Mrs. Min, she had always been a second mom to Yoongi. She would make sure he had plenty of food.

"Mmm she's inside." Little Joo said pointing to his house. "Where are you going?" Joo asked.
Yoongi knelt down to the child's level causing his knees to pop. "I'm moving to another city." He spoke softly. And with that little Joo ran off into his house probably to tell his mom the news. Yoongi smiled as he watched him run inside. Putting the last box into his truck he put this hands in his pockets proud of himself.
"Yoongi!" A voice called out, he turned around with a smile growing on his face. Joo and his mom walking out to meet him. Mrs. Min had a plate in her hands with foil covering the top, he could only hope it was food.

"Take this for the road." She said handing him the still warm plate. He uncovered the plate with curiosity laced on his face. The variety of meats and vegetables filled his nose letting out a satisfied moan. Mrs. Min giggled, "Im glad you like it." Yoongi have her a hug as well as Joo.

"Take care of your mom okay?" Yoongi said getting into his truck, Joo nodding his head vigorously.
"Stop, baby don't stop.-" Yoongi mumbled while tapping his fingers to each beat. He yawned when he came to a stop at a stop light. He was tired due to waking up so early in the morning. He wants so badly to get into bed, but he'll have to be sleeping on the floor for the next few days till he gets a new bed. His journey continues to his new house which he had not seen in person only pictures from a certain website he bought it from. From the information about the house, there are two bedrooms, one he will turn into his office. And one full bath. And of course a kitchen as well as a living room with a small back yard.

The thought about living away from his family scares him, he has never been away from them. He will miss the unwanted visits from his mom with groceries she says he never has, and his older brother bringing little Holy, can't forget his dads constant reminder he isn't fond of his work choice.

Yoongi pulls up into his new driveway, from the look of the outside of the house was cute, a big tree at the far end of the house along with rock all over the front. He had gotten out the truck to get a better look at his new house. Taking the house keys in his hands and walking to the front door unlocking it with a click. He slowly walks in, and to say the least he was disapointed. It was Yoongi's fault, the reiltor asked when would be a good time to go see the house but Yoongi was being lazy and didn't arrange a meeting time. Now he wish he had, he let out a loud sigh.

He took a couple steps into his now new home and took a look around. The kitchen was a bit small but it didn't really matter, he was going to order take out more than making his meals himself. He wasn't a cook, he never learned. He didn't want to learn. He walked down a hallway which had lead him to the two bedrooms that were across from eachother, "Conveanant" he thought, he oppened one of the bedroom doors and took a look inside, it was quite large with it's own bathroom. It was the master bedroom, just looking at the size of the room he could have a decent size bed as well as having a small couch against the wall with the window above.

Goose bumps began to rise as well as the small hairs on the back of his neck, his breath hitched. He had felt as if someone was standing right behind him, he swiftly turned his body around. He faces nothing, no one was there, Yoongi thought this was probably a good time to back out to his truck to collect his belongings. Walking out the room taking one last glace he closed the door.
Yoongi had leaned against the wall from exhaustion, caring boxes as well as bags filled with equipment and his clothes took a tole on his body. He took his phone out his pocket to look at the time, his eyes widen, it was 10 till midnight. He never voluntarily stays up this late. He groaned and made his way into his bedroom, opening the door he sighs from the sight of so many boxes cluttering the space. Looking for the box that had "bathroom" messily written in black sharpie. Walking into the bathroom which he had not seen yet, opening the shower door turning the knob to the right so it would be warm.

After completely striping from his clothes he steps in the shower, the scorching hot water now hitting his skin causing him to hiss, quickly he moved his hand to the nozzle and slightly turning it to the left cooling it down some. He relaxed once again now that the water was comfortable. He then began to reach for his coconut scented shampoo and lather it into his silver locks, coconut began to fill the bathroom, with the sweet yet fresh aroma filled his nose. Soap started to run down the sides of his face as well as down his body.

His body stiffened again the same chill from before, but this felt like a cool breath on the back of his neck. His heart began to race, he wasn't sure if it was a draft. Honestly at this point his mind was assuming the worst. His eyes widen, the water had gotten extremely cold. "Shit!" he yelled from the soap slipping into his eyes. Turning the water completely off he grabbed the towel that was hanging loosely over the shower door. Wrapping the towel around his waist he opened the shower door, looking into the mirror his eyes were irritated; you could mistake him for being high. He sighed and opened the bathroom door letting out some of the steam. What Yoongi saw made him stumble back into the bathroom and slamming the door shut.

"What the heck?" what Yoongi saw was a guy sitting on the floor whom seemed younger than he was, he couldn't be sure if he noticed him or not.

"Maybe he's lost." he thought, whatever it was he hopped he wouldn't kill him. He opened the door once again semi-ready to confront the stranger.

He was gone.

Yoongi let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. Walking out into his bedroom to put on some clothes, which were some sweats and a t-shirt. Grabbing his phone his stomach grumbled, he hasn't eaten yet. He went to the kitchen to eat the food that Mrs. Min had made him. But when he entered he noticed the same figure he saw sitting on his bedroom floor. Yoongi thought he was loosing it. He finally spoke.

"Who are you?"

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