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Bakugou took Kirishima out of the building where the auction was happening. Pulling him along by the chain. Kirishima tried his best to not trip over his feet. The blond was walking a bit too fast for him.

Soon they were out of the black market. Now by the coast line and the port, where various types of boats were waiting. Bakugou bumped into people as he made his way to one of the boats. Due to that, Kirishima bumped in a few of them. Resulted in insults being thrown at the two.

A hard tug and Kirishima was pulled to Bakugou's side. He looked over at him before what was in front of him. His eyes widen. There was a gigantic ship right in front of him.

The redhead would always see ships like these from far away, but now there was one right in front of him. He couldn't believe this.

A small chuckle came from Bakugou, "this is your new home, get ready for it" he said to him. It sounded like there was a meaning behind what he said, but Kirishima didn't look into it. He was distracted by the mermaid on the front of the ship.

Having enough with the staring. Bakugou raised a hand to his mouth and whistles with it. A minute later, a wooden board comes from the ship and lands on the port. Making a bridge to the ship.

He walked towards it, bringing Kirishima along. The redhead looked over the side, seeing the water splash against the boat. It gave his stomach an odd feeling. This would be the first he would be on a boat, out on sea.

When they reached the other side, there was a crowed of rough looking people waiting for them. There were guys that looked like they would kill you for just looking at them. It scared Kirishima.

Than he felt something on his back, before he was pushed to the ground. Everyone started to laugh at him. Bakugou gripped Kirishima by his hair, "welcome aboard shitty hair, this is your new home!" he tells him before throwing his head down. It banging against the wood.

He laughs loudly as Kirishima groans in pain. He had let go of the chain from his hand. He than walks past him, his boots going right by his head.

Someone throws a bucket at him and a rag. The bucket had water in it, as it was thrown the water inside splashed onto the redhead. He lifted his head and looked up at the people around him.

They all held smug and wicked smiles on their faces. Bakugou's was the worst one to look at. His eyes were crazy while his smile looked, unnatural. The captain than waved his hand in the air, "teach him what we do here" was all he said before going inside the ship.

Soon Kirishima had people walking towards him. Terror was clearly seen in his eyes. The expression on his face didn't help either. He was doomed to hell on this boat.

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