Kim Jinwoo

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Genre - SMUT

I made my way into school, I was currently in my last year of university. I was studying to become a (your dream job). I didn't enjoy school though, I didn't have any friends or anyone to talk to. But I guess in a way it was a good thing, I had no distractions.

7:48 am

Y/N walked into class and sat down. She pulled out her phone and waited for class to start.

As the school day went on she started to feel drowsy and slow. Her head felt like a bowling ball whenever she looked down. Her eyes would come together for a second and then they wouldn't open unless she fought the urge to sleep.

When school ended she put her stuff away and stood up.

"Ms. L/N could you stay, I'd like to talk to you." Her professor said.

She walked up to him.

"I'm transferring you out of my class, you're to intelligent to be in this level math, tomorrow you will be in the highest level math this school has to offer." He said and handed her a half sheet of paper that had her new classroom number and the name of her new professor.

"ok." Y/N nodded and took the paper and walked out.

She walked to a vending machine and bought an iced coffee in a can. When she picked it up she opened it and chugged it. She threw the bottle away and made her way home.

The next day.

She walked into her new classroom and over to the professor.

"Excuse me?" She said as she stood in front of her new professors desk.

Her professor looked up at her.

"I was transferred into this class." She said while she pulled a half sheet of paper that had her school information out of her sweater pocket.

He nodded and smiled a little.

"ok, it's nice to meet you, I'm Mr. Kim." He said and stuck out his hand wanting to shake hands with Y/N. Knowing that he wanted a handshake she gave him the sheet of paper instead.

She smiled and walked away to look for a seat.

A big time skip.

It had been three months since Y/N had transferred into Mr. Kim's class. He had offered to give her extra lessons that were more advanced then the class she was taking.

5:03 pm

Mr. Kim's extra lesson had ended and Y/N put all her stuff away. Y/N never actually knew how smart she was until today.

She said goodbye to Mr. Kim and was about to walk out of class when he stopped her.

"Ms. L/N, did you understand today's lesson fine?" He asked as he stood up and walked up to her.

She stepped back a bit and nodded.

"I understood it, just fine.." She said and looked at him.

He couldn't take her eyes off her.

Kim Jinwoo's P.O.V

What is it about her. I want to kiss her, I want to kiss so bad.

"I understood it, just fine." She said and looked a me.

She was beautiful, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I looked down and stepped closer to her. I stepped around her and closed my classroom door and locked it.

"What are you doing?" She asked and looked at me.

"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" I asked and stepped closer to her once again.

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