Closing my eyes, I willed the Rukh towards me before calling out either of my djinns. It was after a moment of silence did I begin to curse myself out. My fuckin' djinns are in my fuckin' room where I left them, like the dumbass I am. 

I wanted to bang my head against something at my stupidity. 

I felt my eyes began to grow heavy and my head dizzy due to the blood I was losing. I knew I was going to faint any second now, while my Rukh was strong my body sadly wasn't, a weakness that never really bothered me much until now. 

I felt tears begin to fill my eyes, there's nothing I could do. Grams might die and it would be my own fault for not being strong enough. 

I could have warned her or moved her out the way but I wasn't fast enough. I can't even call for help or take her to help because of my weakness. 

My vision was fading and I felt myself leaning forward, the only thoughts running through my mind was how weak I was. 


The brightness of the morning sun was shining into my eyes causing me to let out a groan before turning to my side. Something I immediately came to regret upon feeling the sheer pain that spread through my side. Letting out a yelp followed by a stream of swear words I sat up, too quickly which caused another wave of pain to flow through my side. 

Placing my hands over the place where the pain was as I sat completely still, waiting for the pain to go away. While sitting there, I recalled the events of last night. The kidnapping, getting saved, the party, Grams and I getting shot with an arrow. The last event caused me to jump out of bed in alarm, ignoring the pain I walked out of the empty tent and headed towards Grams room to see if she was okay. 

Upon entering I saw the tent completely empty causing me to go into a panic. Thinking the worst, I fell down to the ground, tears flowing down my cheeks. My side ached painfully but it was nothing compared to the pain I felt in my heart. The only sound that could be heard was the soft and muffled sobs that managed to escape from behind my hands as I cried into them. 

I sat there like that for a while, just crying. Mourning over the loss of the woman who raised me. The woman who took me in even when she didn't have to, a complete stranger who she showed love and kindness to as if I were one of her blood children. The woman who made me feel wanted, made me feel loved like I actually belonged in this world. The woman who would always strike me with her cane when I cursed. The woman who would sit silently in the corner of my room during every thunderstorm until I fell asleep because she knew I would cry the night away otherwise. The woman who was now dead because of my weakness. 

I didn't stop my crying even after I heard the door to the tent open and the sound of footsteps walking in. It wasn't until a small hand placed itself on top of my head did I stop crying. "Go away," I spoke to them, my voice sounding shaky even to my own ears. 

"No way, this is my tent go cry in your own." Said the voice I thought I'd never hear again. "Why are you even crying? If it's because of the arrow then I should laugh at you, I'm a frail old lady yet I didn't cry over this wound once! Hahaha!" 

I felt a tick mark form on my forehead as she continued to mock laugh at me, "Yeah right, you crone. Of corse you won't feel any pain, busting your hip a million times will do that to ya." 

"Why you-" I cut off her scolding by standing up, I don't look at her as I reached down and pat her head. I felt my heart clench but I refused to cry again, biting my lip I closed my eyes. I took a deep breath before finally looking down at the old woman. 

I already knew based on the energy I felt from her but it still hurt when I looked down and saw her glowing yellow, the color of rukh. 

"You really died huh? I-I thought you'd have some more time but I guess even people as stubborn as you have to leave at some point." A smile appeared on her face, it was saddened but only slightly. 

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