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Name: Kamri Shaman

Age: 15

DOB: May 6, XXXX

Eye color: Silver

Hair color: Orange

Height: 160cm (5'3)

Likes: Fall, trees, books, Djinns, his dunjins, food, jewelry, sweets, Baba and others. 

Dislikes: Being called a girl, spring (fuckin' allergies), peaches (once again fuckin' allergies), sour foods, Kouen (fuckin' creep)

Element(s): Light magic, heat magic, wind magic, strength magic, and a bit of water magic. 

Race: Human

Djinns: Bast (10th Djinn; Heat), Eboni (43rd Djinn, Lightening)

Djinn Metals:  Ebony is an earring and Bast is a choker made of pure metal (Bougie fucker)

Personality: Loud, swears more than a pirate, aggressive, has a dark humor (too dark to be considered normal), blunt and literally doesn't know the meaning of keeping a secret, is actually kind just really angry all the time. 

Background: Karmi was born into a middle-class family, his mother was the kind shop owner while his father as a member of the Kou army. His life was pretty normal, until one day his father found out something he should not have known and was sent to me killed, luckily he managed to escape with Karmi but Marie, his mother, had been murdered in the process. After that, they traveled from town to town, but on the day of his 10th birthday his father was captured along with himself by a cruel town owner who forced Karma, his father, and Karmi to capture the 43rd dungeon not even caring about the young boy's age. 

Fortunately, Karmi and his father made it to the top alive, however, while Karmi was bruised and cut up his father wasn't as fortunate. Karma had suffered from grave injuries, knowing he only had few minutes left he had made a promise with Karmi, one that the boy will keep forever. 

The djinn, Eboni, who had witnessed the death of his father, decided to become Kari's djinn after seeing the young boys resolve. After leaving the dungeon, Karmi set off towards his hometown, wanting to at least bury a memory of his father next to his mother. 

It was when he was halfway there when he had accidentally stepped into another dungeon. This one wasn't quite as hard to capture since it was mainly targeting at beating him mentally rather than physically. 

That is how he captured the Heat Djinn Bast (or as he calls him, the bougie djinn Bast due to how the djinn kept whining about his metal vessel until Karmi changed him into a choker made of pure metal, it was quite expensive). 

Upon entering his homeland, he discovered the village he once lived in was now gone without a trace, not knowing what to do the now eleven-year-old just wondered the land with a broken heart. It was a week later when he was discovered by Dorji, who took him back to the plains where his family lived, where Karmi remained until age fifteen.


+Although he calls Maari bougie he isn't much different, he loved jewelry but accepts nothing other than the highest degree. 

+Loves food more than his djinns and one time he traded them for some watermelon and a cow. He got them back, eventually. 

+Although he is highly allergic to peaches he still eats peach cobbler, but after a good trip to the hospital and some rash cream, he's always good and new. 

+He once met Sinbad and managed to convince the man to give him some jewels and food for free, because of this incident he is now wanted in Sindara for theft. 

+His favorite color is gold, the same color as his preferred jewelry and coins. 

+Theres a rumor he killed someone with his left pinky, Karmi doesn't know where that rumor started, but he'd never deny it when asked why he says its because it makes him sound badass.

+His hobbies include being rude, swearing, buying jewelry, telling people off, fighting, conning men for money by dressing like a girl (even though he hates being called a girl while in his normal clothes), summoning his djinns for no other reason but to try to fight them, training, sleeping, eating (literally what he does 99.99% of the time). 

+While his personality is pitch black negative, his rukh is golden yellow and they were always shining brightly. 

+Tolerates people, sometimes. 

Love Interest: 

Comment them below because I honestly don't know who to ship him with at the moment. 

Chapter 1 drops tomorrow. 

Beware of strong language. 

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