Chapter 25 - The First Curse

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Arya's P.O.V.

As we sat down on the couch to talk to Ellie I unconsciously snuggled into Pandora's side. I don't know why but from the moment we woke up I just couldn't bring myself to be away from her.

It was obvious Pandora felt the same, every time she so much as glanced my way, her desire burned through me mixed with more than a little of own.

I had always known that Jake wanted in my pants, but just the thought of being with him in that way made my skin crawl. Now I was with Pandora, and the fact that she wanted me just as much as I wanted her filled me with so much joy and pride. The idea of such a beautiful, kind, perfect girl having trouble controlling herself around me was like a dream, but here she was. Blushing while I wrapped my arms around her and nuzzled her neck. To say I was happy would be an understatement.

“Now, now you two keep it PG, remember the mom is right here!” Ellie yelled.

“Haha sorry.” I giggled.

Any other time I would have moved away in embarrassment, but I wouldn't. I couldn't be ashamed of how much I loved being next to her.

“Well I guess you guys want to know what happened.” she said with sigh.

“Well yeah! Three days passed by and we didn't even notice! Not to mention we missed school today because you didn't come get us.” Pandora pouted.

“School schmool! You guys won't die for missing a day besides there was no way I was going in there!” Ellie said.

“Why not?” I asked.

“Well you guys may have been in there for three days, but about 75% of that time you guys were asleep.”

“What? What do you mean?” Pandora asked.

“Exactly what I said. You went at it for a while and then conked out until a few hours ago.” Ellie stated.

“Why would that happen?” I asked.

“Well to understand that I need to tell you guys a bit more about the werewolves' history.” Ellie said.

“Can we listen in?” Lexie asked as she and Mason came down the stairs.

As she came over to us Lexie took the time to glare at me before plumping down next to Pandora and giving her a small smile.

She is such a-

“Where to start...well as you guys know werewolves came into prominence a very long time ago. It was a time filled with religious zealots, warriors, political wars, and bloody conflicts just for the sake of land. The same could be said for the world of werewolves.

As the foundation of a government developed and powerful families came into prominence, political relations became more complicated. In a fashion nearly identical to that of humans, but much more severe.

Among werewolf families the bond between mates was more important than marriage. And for the lower families this fact was very easy to exploit, especially in regards to the women. All it took was a moment, get the woman alone bite her and boom, you're bonded to a member of a greater family with no way for it to be undone.”

“That's awful.” Mace said.

“Damn right! I would have just killed the bastards!” Lex yelled.

“In many cases that's exactly what happened, but in others the family would adhere to tradition and allow it. Even if they didn't, not many prideful groups would want their sons and daughters bonded to someone who has had a mate before.” Ellie explained.

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