Chapter 19 - The First Choice

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Pandora's P.O.V.

As the twins and I ran through the trees I tried to get a sense of what we were running into. There were a few of them, four wolves and.......a witch. I had never met one other than my mother but I recognized the distinct smell of spices wafting from her.

It was obvious from the way they moved they didn't intend on attacking us, but I couldn't let my guard down. Two of the wolves among them were different to say the least. Everything about them told me they were stronger than the others. If this went south we would be in for a tough fight, but I wasn't going to back down. From what my mom told me it was obvious why they were here. Which meant if anyone from town got hurt, it was on me.

Passing the town borders I had to admit I felt pretty badass. I had only ran with the twins a few times after they started living with us and it was always an amazing experience. Until...Mace tripped and tumbled through the trees.

Seriously Mason? Seriously?

What?! It's hard running through all of this without hitting a root or two!”

Let's keep going. Make sure you don't whack your face on too many branches bro.”

....shut it.”

We finally reached the group at the outer edge of the valley near an abandoned camp site. Keeping to the shadows and as far away as possible I tried to get a clear look at them.

The woman stood at the back, the green glow at her feet implied she was on high alert and confirmed my suspicions about her being a witch. Two men flanked her and were constantly scanning the woods for any sign of danger.

Two more men stood at the front. One clearly was in love with himself. His designer clothes, shoulder length hair, and vast array of expensive jewelry made that clear. To my surprise it appeared as if he was one of the strong wolves I had detected, but that wasn't all. Even from a distance I could smell blood coming from his hands. He had killed recently. A sense of importance born from strength was not too surprising, but the other man had a different presence entirely. Looking at the two of them standing together was like night and day.

He was unassuming, standing tall in dark and weathered clothes with boots in the same condition. His hair was short and so was his facial hair but what immediately caught my attention were his eyes. They were sharp and focused, the eyes of a man who been in a lot of fights and survived ever single one of them with sheer force of will. He was the one we would have to be wary of. Experience was a powerful thing and he had a lot of it.

Stick close guys. You can sense it right? They may not be in wolf form but they're still dangerous.”

Pssh, it's doesn't sound so scary coming from you.” Lex quipped from behind me.

What do you mean?” I asked.

Nothin'.”she replied with a sigh.

Slowly, I crept forward as the twins stayed at my flank. In any other situation I would have had them circle around but this time I wanted them close.

The two men at the front sensed us first, the pretty boy grinned while the other man tensed. I didn't really mind either way, if these guys were here for me or my friends I wasn't going down without a fight, but if I let my emotions get the better of me I would be giving them an advantage.

The three at the back flinched in unison when they heard us coming and moved to face us.

“Well hi there! I'm Cicero!” the blond man said with a grin.

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