"What?" She inquired

"While you were asleep Mr. Styles woke up."

Her mouth dropped open.

"What!" She gasped.

"He pushed the call button and we came in thinking it was you who had pushed it, but he was laying there staring up at us, and you were asleep."

"Why didn't you wake me?" She said throwing up he hands.

A feeling ran over her and made her feel so much better, she couldn't describe it. All she knew was that she was glad Harry had finally woken up after three months.


She immediatly called Louis after she had been informed thay Harry had woken up and Louis and the others were on their way there right now.

The next time Harry woke up she was at school. She began to grow frustrated.

Ever since the day he woke up she had worn his hat, it was like her good look charm.

After school one day she was sitting beside Harry's bed watching him sleep while replying to some tweets from fans asking about Harry when she heard a groan.

She looked up and saw the familiar green eyes gazing down at her.

"Harry?" She shot forward and hugged him.

His strong arms wrapped around her back and pulled her close.

"Sarah I'm so sorry." He looked upset.

"It wasn't your fault Harry." To make sure he got the point she kissed him.

He responded by grabbing her waist and pulling her onto the bed so that she was straddling his lap. It took her a minute, and some pain, put she eventually settled on her kness trying to even out her weight.

He kissed her hard then pulled away breathless.

"I love you."

A tear fell down his cheek and she used her thumb to wipe it away.

"I love you too."

She leaned in and their lips met once again.

They were interupted by four boys barging into the room, followed by none other than Harry's mom. The door crashed into the wall, and she jumped causing herself to fall backwards onto Harry's legs. He groaned in pain.

Somehow she had managed to get her right leg under her and screamed in pain, as she twisted trying to get her weight off of it.

Louis.immediatly rushed over and picked her up setting her in a chair beside the bed. Tears were falling from her eyes, and pulses of pain kept shooting up her leg.

"Liam go get the nurse!" Louis shouted.

Liam sprinted out of the room.

Harry tried to sit up but it was to painful so he just watched in horror as Sarah cried in pain, and once again it was all his fault.

Liam came back with a nurse and she examined Sarah's now swolen leg.

She was put in a wheelchair once again, and taken to get an X Ray.


Harry's POV

After Liam had explained everything he understood why it had hurt Sarah so much when she fell on her leg.

The doctor came in, with a grim look on her face.

"Her leg is broken in three places. When she landed on it, it wasn't stong enough, so it just snapped like a twig."

"Is she okay?" He asked frantically

"She's in surgery now, and will be in pain for a couple days, but she will be fine afterwards."

He let out a sigh of relief. Why had he made her get on the bed, he could tell she didn't want to.

He looked up at his mom with pleading eyes.

"There's one more thing." The doctor spoke up.

Six sets of eyes all looked at her anxiously.

"She might never walk again."

All the color drained from Harry's face. He felt his mom squeeze his hand.

It was Louis who broke the silence.

"Why is that?"

"Her right leg was the worst from the begining and was broken in two places. Now that totals as being broken five times within three months, it will be hard to recover from something like that."

Harry didn't care that his friends saw him crying he just let the tears pour down his face as he thought about Sarah never being able to walk again.

"I'm very sorry, but there is a chance she will be able to, but it will take a wheel chair, crutches, and lots of physical therapy."

He frowned again.

"I do have some good news." She gave him a weak smile.

"What?" He hiccuped.

"Well, I talked to the Doctors and they agreed to let you to stay in the same room while you both recover."

"Really?" He felt slightly better.

She nodded her head.

An hour later he was transfered into a big room with two beds. Sarah was brought in later and layed in the bed beside his.

The nurse had agreed to push the beds together, as long as he promised not to wake her up, or move her around.

He wanted to put his arms around her waist and pull her close like they had done before the crash, but knew he couldn't so he just laced their fingers together and hoped she would forgive him.

The next morning she woke up and he hugged her gently, not wanting to cause her any more pain.

"I'm so sorry, about everything the car crash, and now your leg." He turned away, avoiding her eyes.

"Harry look at me." He didn't look so she grabbed his chin and forced him to.

"The car crash was not your fault. There was no way you could have known that guy was drunk, and going to run that stoplight. My leg is not your fault. I should have known better than to use them before I was supposed to, I just didn't want to be on top of you kissing you the first time your mom met me. I don't blame you for anything." She captured his lips in a passionate kiss.

At that moment he realized just how much he loved Sarah, and vowed to never let her go.

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