Chapter one: 18 september 1834

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I'm walking to nowhere. I don't know where to go. What to do. I feel....powerless. I see a bench. I walk to it and relaxed my body on it. I new this day would be worse. I never new this day would come. I don't want to believe it.... and I hate the feeling of it...
I was sitting on the bench, looking at the blue sky, thinking of how it would feel. Until a hand was touching my shoulder. I look beside me and I see one of my brothers standing there. 'Hello sister can a join you?' He asked. 'Of corse my brother.' I say and moved aside so he could sit too. 'It's weird isn't it my love?' He asks to me. 'What do you mean brother.' I say in confusion. 'There gone Pearl, there not here anymore.' He signs. 'I know but maybe it's for the best, if I should be honest with you brother, they weren't the nicest people of the town.' I say as he stood up. 'Do you want to walk with me Sister, please?' He asks and stood his hand out. 'My pleasure.' I say and took his hand. 'Oh no the pleasure is al mine dear.' He says and hocked his arm in the mine.

'I'm glad it's a beautiful day today' I say while looking up at the sky. 'You're right princess, I'm glad too.' He says smiling. I stoped walking what made him look in confusion. 'Is it true that our lovely parents hunted our kind down?' I ask with pain in my heart. 'Sadly is it but it is true.' He says. 'But why we are not the bad people.' I say with a little angry. 'In their eyes we where Pearl.' He signed. 'Thomas what would they do to us when they knew we were that kind too?' I say with fear in my eyes. 'Don't think about that sister.' He says and stroke my face. I closed my eyes because of his warmth and softness. 'Miss and Mr Brenton, I'm so sorry to interrupt you but Miss. Brenton your carriage is ready.' My assistant says. 'Thank you Mrs. Garfield, just a second.' I say with a smile. 'Of course Miss.' he says and went off. I turned my head to Thomas again. 'I'm still wondering how you still can be like this after all the things that we had been going trough sister.' He says with disbelief in his eyes. 'It's hard my brother, it's hard.' I sighed. 'But I have to go now, business is calling for me and I can't go like this to a meeting with the most important people of this town.' I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. I got on my carriage and waved him goodbye the same as he did.

At home~

The doors opened for me. 'Welcome home Miss. Brenton.' The guards says. My other assistant walked to me. We are close friends. 'Pearl there is someone who wants to to talk to you.' She says as we walked to getter to the living room. 'Who is it?' I ask. 'He did not say but he is here in the living room.' She says. He? 'Well he needs to talk quick because I have a meeting.' I say while we entered the living room. I saw a men on the couch. Wait a second! 'Uncle Eric?' I ask. 'Pearl sweat heart!' He says happy. 'Thank you Rebekah you may go now.' I slimed at her. She bowled and then left. 'Uncle Eric what brings you here, I didn't saw you at the funeral?' I ask while I hugged him. 'I could not handle the death of my brother, I will visit it when I'm ready..' he sighed. 'I understand it completely. I'm still not over it. Once you have them beside you and with one blink you have no parents anymore..' I say with pain. 'Oh sweaty it must be very hard for you?' He says concerned. ' it is, but I can handle it.' I say confident hoping I would feel then confident too...

'so strong just like your own father, he would be proud if he saw you like this.' He says with a big smile. I laughed a little and blushed because of his words. 'So.. is there something you need to discus? Because in about two hours I have a meeting.' I say waiting for an answer. 'Yes there is, you have to tell your brothers and sister that they have to pack there things up and you too.' He says. 'Why if I may ask?' I ask in confusion. 'You have to move. You are all staying in the house off the Jeon's. It doesn't matter why, just be ready for tomorrow morning then you are going to move. It is gonna be a journey because you are going to Melbourne.' He says. 'Wow that's a really long journey I will tell my brothers and sister now, thank you for stepping by uncle Eric.' I say and leave the living room. 'Rebekah can you please gather my brothers and sister together all six please, thank you dear.' I say and go to the meeting room.

'Thank you for being all here together.' I say and turn around. Twelve eyes where looking at me. 'You have to pack your thing my loves, we are going on a little trip.' I say with a smirk......

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