Anxiety hurts

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TW: THIS WILL HAVE MENTIONS OF ANXIETY, DEPRESSION AND PANIC ATTACKS. Please do not read if you feel that you will be triggered. I am not trying to depict how mason feels during panic attacks nor am I trying to romanticize his anxiety or depression. Please keep this in mind while reading.


I woke up as I could hear soft sobs and small cries coming from the bathroom along with running water. I furrowed my brows as I slowly stood up and got out of bed throwing on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt that were probably dirty but they were the closest thing to my bed.

I tiptoed across my room to my door and slowly opened it hearing soft mumbling from the bathroom. As I got closer I could make out some of the words being said but wasn't sure. I slowly opened the bathroom door hearing the cries stop only to be picked up again with heavy breathing. I walked in and shut the door behind me looking over at the bathtub and seeing Mason curled up in the tub with the shower water running over him.

"Macey? What's wrong?" I said softly as I quickly walked over to him. He was still clothed and the water running over him was now freezing cold. He tried to hold back a sob but it only made it louder when it came out.

"I-I don't-don't know w-what's wrong w-with me..." he cried out softly hiccuping over his words and shutting his eyes tightly. I bit my lip and pet his hair before shutting the water off and getting into the bathtub with him. I sat behind him and wrapped my arms around him bringing him back into my chest.

I planted a kiss atop his head and began shushing him softly.

"It'll be okay Macey, I promise it will. It will all get better." I whispered to him as I could feel him calming down and his sobs getting spaced out for longer periods.

"Why can't I just be normal?" He questioned with a small cry. I just shook my head and gave him a small sympathetic smile. "Cause that wouldn't be any fun now would it?" I mumbled kissing his head again. I knew he was talking about his anxiety and why he had to have it but it's what made Mason, Mason.

After a while of sitting in the cold wet bathtub I could hear soft snores coming from Mason and I sighed brushing his hair back and out of his face. I sat there for a while until I heard the door open and I looked over to see Jay standing there a bit shocked.

"O-oh sorry I just needed to use the bathroom..." he said softly and I sighed nodding. "I-is he okay?" He asked softly walking closer to us and sitting on the floor next to the tub staring at us.

I just nodded kissing Masons head again, only Jay knew about my feelings towards Mason and he always tried to get me to act out on them but I always tried to explain how it'd be weird because I knew Mason didn't like me the way I liked him. "Yeah... he's okay now." I whispered brushing more of his hair back before looking back over to Jay. "Should I wake him up?" I asked softly as much as I didn't want to disturb the perfectly sleeping boy I knew I had to.

Jay nodded before standing up, "I'll let you get him up I don't think he wants us all to know about this..." he said and I nodded sitting up a bit more trying to make small movements as jay walked towards the door. "...but I was serious about having to piss." He smiled as me and I smiled back as he walked out of the bathroom.

I gently shook Mason while whispering into his ear about having to go to bed. It took a bit to wake him up but he looked up at me and nodded. Without saying a word he got up out of the tub and turned around grabbing my hand to help me up and I thanked him.

"C-can I sleep in your room y/n?" He questioned in a whisper while looking at the ground and I smiled before nodding and grabbing his hand. As we walked back to my room I shut the door behind us and quickly turned to him.

"Let me get you something so you don't get my bed wet." I said softly before going to my drawers and grabbing him a pair of basket ball shorts and a T-shirt that was big enough for him. I let him change while I went to my bathroom connected to my room and changed into a different pair of shorts and another T-shirt. When I walked back out into my room I saw Mason already on the bed but he was just staring at the ceiling.

I slowly crept over and climbed into my bed laying on my usual side and turned to look at Mason grabbing his hand as he held it back tightly. "Goodnight Macey." I whispered before closing my eyes. I felt him shift in the bed and I could feel his light touch brushing hair out of my face.

"Thank you y/n.... I love you." He whispered the last part and i fell back to sleep with a smile on my face.

A/N: sorry I haven't updated for a while guys I've been busy with work but please keep in mind I am open for request so just shoot me a request if you'd like something specific. 🤠

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