"Welp. Good luck with that bud, you're gonna need it. I gotta go. See you at lunch!" Niall patted Liams back before blending in with the crowd. As the halls began to empty, Liam grabbed his textbooks and closed his locker, spinning around on his heels. Walking to his next class, he spotted someone he definitely didn't miss over the summer. Zayn Malik. They made eye contact for a split second, soon ending with Zayn narrowing his eyes at Liam, shooting a harsh glare before he turned his face and continued to walk the opposite direction. "Prick." Liam thought to himself as he looked back, watching the slim boy continue to walk away. Zayn and Liam had a "past" you could say, but either of them liked to speak of it. Not anymore atleast-- Not for now.


"Zayn, over here!" The olive-skinned boy looked around curiously to find the voice that called for him as he made his way through the cafeteria. Soon he spotted his best friend, Louis Tomlinson, who literally stood on the chair that belonged to a round table and waved his arms around rapidly to get Zayn's attention. Zayn sent him a bright smile before making his way to the table, sitting beside the chair that Louis stood on. Lou ignored the teacher that was yelling at him telling him to take a seat and took his time before he actually sat down. Louis only went by his own rules and commands. "Hey Z."

"Yo, Louis."

"How was your summer?" Louis made a toothy smile before looking down at his tray, pouring dressing over a salad he got up at the lunch line. 

Zayn rolled his eyes playfully after taking a big bite out of his sandwich. "You already know how my summer was. I spent most of it with you."

"Then obviously it was an amazing summer for you." Louis winked.

"Shup u-"

"Hi boys!" a petite and awkward looking girl with with glasses called out as she rushed towards the two boys, violet curls bouncing over her shoulders as she struggled to carry three thick textbooks, eventually dropping them onto the table with a loud slam. She breathed heavily and collapsed into the chair by Louis' other side, resting her head onto his shoulder. Louis usually wasn't kind enough to let people touch him, let alone have people rest their head on him, but this girl was small (ignoring the fact that shes actually a good friend of his) so he could understand her struggle with having to carry three huge textbooks in those angel spaghetti noodle arms of hers.

"Hello Jade." Zayn nodded, raising an eyebrow. "Three books already?"

"Of course. I hate AP classes, It makes Honors look like a CP class and a CP class look like a standard class. It's just too difficult- I think I may drop out." She sighed and sat up straight now, fixing her skirt.

"Have some confidence, Jade. You'll get used to it." Louis smiled softly at her, lightly patting her shoulder. Jade opened her mouth to respond but was inturrupted by another voice.

"MY PHOTOGRAPHY CLASS SUCKS ASS." A boy with pale blue eyes and dirty blonde hair spoke loudly in frustration, sitting down across from the three students.

"Hey, don't swear." another boy with light brown hair continued after him, sitting down next to Jade. "Hi guys."

"Hey Luke, hello Ashton." Jade greeted the two.

"Yo." Luke mumbled as he man handled his milk carton, carelesslly ripping off the opening before chugging the whole thing down within seconds. 

"What's wrong with you, blondie?" Louis smirked and rested his elbows on the table, curious on how the short tempered boy would react to the nickname he obviously didn't care for.

"What did I tell you about calling me that?" the boy glared, rolling his eyes when Louis let out a girlish chuckle. "Anyway, I'm pissed off. I specifically asked for Financial Literacy this year, and they put me in fucking photography. Now I'm stuck in an elective with a bunch of stupid jocks. Like Michael Clifford." he complained, "His existance bothers me."

"Oh, you poor baby. What a tragedy." Louis teased, causing Luke to flip him off. Zayn listened as Luke and Louis bickered and Ashton and Jade made small talk with eachother. He shook his head softly and took a glance around the cafeteria. The jocks. The cheerleaders. The glee kids. The theatre kids. The nerds. Ect, ect. Everyone was in their own little sections. Zayn of course, sat with his fellow AP students. He watched as people laughed with their friends or ate alone. Zayn thought about his brief moment with Liam Payne earlier that morning, suddenly clenching and unlentching his fist as he looked down in frustration. "Prick." he thought to himself. He knew more about Liam then most people at this school did, and Liam knew a lot about Zayn as well. He sat in silence as he tried to push the memories of their past out of his head. Wait, silence? Zayn looked up to realize the whole cafeteria fell quiet. But why?

"Look who came back from hell." Louis whispered as he nudged Zayn.  Everyone's attention went to a girl who slowly made her way through the cafeteria. She didn't look concerned or confused to why; she knew exactly why. A smirk played across her face as she held her tray in one hand, tossing her dark wavy hair over her shoulder with her other. There were a few whispers here and there, but she paid them no mind.

"Nice to know you all missed me." She announced, letting out a quiet laugh as frightened students looked away from her bright green cat-like eyes when she noticed their stare. She sat down at any table she picked, which happened to be the jocks table. Some of them even rushed to scoot over and give her some room and never questioned her or told her to move. With that, the noise in the cafeteria rose once again.

"...Who was that?" Ashton asked curiously. We all stared at him for a few seconds and he lifted up his hands in defense. "What? Are you forgetting I was new here last year?"

Jade spoke up. "Her name is Lauren."

"Lauren Jauregui." Luke continued. "I dated her. ..In like, 3rd grade."

"No one asked, blondie." Louis waved at him. Luckily, Luke just rolled his eyes. "She was here two years ago as a freshman. She's a Junior now.. Last year she was sent to Woodrow Academy for her sophomore year coz she just got in so many fights."

"Woodrow Academy?" Ashton asked.

"It's basically our local highschool for delinquents and troubled kids." Zayn answered. "She beat up a lot of students. She got ganged up on by eight people and beat them all. The one shes most known for though would have to be that time she hospitalized Ariana Grande."

"She HOSPITALIZED somebody?"  Ashton's eyes widened.

"Cheerleader." Louis' nodded. "I don't blame her though. As popular as Ariana was, she was a devious bitch. I say she deserved it." he gossiped. "She's okay though. She's supposed to be back soon enough."

"God knows when." Jade huffed. Our conversation was cut short once the bell rang, dismissing everybody from lunch. Ashton and Luke said their goodbyes and left with Jade, carrying her textbooks for her. Louis and I left in the opposite direction.

"We've got Physics together last block." Louis grinned, looking at Zayn's schedule.

"See you there then, yeah?" Zayn winked and Lou responded with a nod, handing Zayn his schedule back before patting his shoulder. Both boys went their seperate ways, and Zayn made his way to his Art class.



This is just to show the setting and some character traits. There are a few more side characters to introduce, and then the story will really get started. I promise it will get better !!

i think

Please tell me if you like it so far and I'll definitely keep writing it.


APs and Athletes. [Ziam Fanfiction.]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя