Falling again

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I forgot how it is to fall in love.

I forgot how it is to stare at your phone waiting for that one person to text you. I forgot how your heart skips a beat when you see their name in your notifications just to make it beat even faster. The random smile your lips form by just thinking about them. The sleepless nights creating scenes in your mind.

And I forgot all the bad feelings and disappointments when they didn't text you first. When they are always busy. When they don't even seem to care.

I forgot the conflict of wanting to text them and not wanting to seem needy and annoying.

And still, all those feelings came back when I met this guy. I didn't know I was ready to fall in love again. And I'm still not sure I'm falling for the right one but I can feel I'm falling.

Worte, die ich nie gesagt habe.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt