chapter 6

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 "Angel! Get down from there!" I screeched.

         " Lilly stop yelling for no reason. You're really starting to sound like my mother!" Angel said.

         "That was the point. Now get down!"


         " Uhhg"

         When I walked for about 10 minutes, I heard footsteps that I knew to be the crew of werewolves.

         "Neil can I have a private word with you please?"

         "Sure...  Lilly what's going on? you don't talk to me voluntarily on an ordinary day."

         " That's what  I'm trying to talk to you and only you about. Please tell the others to turn off their minds until we return."

         "Okay already sheesh! Patience pays off in this world!"

         "I know." I replied rather rudely.

         "Alright is there anything else that you need to talk to my about?"

         "Yes, Neil try to understand. You've been wonderful to me, but I don't want to be a werewolf or a vampire."

         "Well no one can change that sorry."

         "I know, I know. But it's a problem"

         "How? Are you joking your the princess of the werewolve and plus we need someone that can be on both side."

         "Yeah yeah yeah but you're using me! I can't and will not live like that."

         "Sorry but it's not me. It's the king of the vampires tell us what to do."

         "Got it. So what do I do?"

         "You need to help is find Molly still. we are think that she is in it Castle that you that you live in. We foound out if a vampire is all alone on there side the king will take he/her."


         "Yes. I'm so sorry Lilly. Now so you see why we need you?"

         "Yes." I sobbed. 

         Once we know that she is in there you need to find us. You can't so it by yourself. So when you find us we will go to the castle and get her back before it's to late."

        "Sounds phenominal or should I say phenomi-Niall?" I managed to choke out.

        " Either you wish." Neil laughed.

        "Not funny!" 

        "Yes it is. Anyways switching topics... I think you're cute.. So do you like me?" 

        "Eew no!" I said looking confused.

        "C'mon you know you do!"

        "You might think so but I don't. I never liked you and never will!" 

        "We have kissed in school a few months ago. Remember that?"

        "Yeah! And I hated every minute!"

        "Yeah right! You loved it Just admit it!"

        "Neil! That was plain acting. That was a play not me kissing you but my character kissing yours."

        "Lilly I know that. I'm not as dumb as you think I am. I still love you even if we're not acting. Just keep me in mind alright?"

        "Fine but don't think I'm going to come back to you."

Lost and FoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora