Questions part 3: The Book

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Agent Phil Coulson had lots of questions on his mind and some of them were not going to be answered. It is easy for an observer to deduce this when there’s a god of lies in a room with a agent. Not the book or the movie maker kind of agent; but the agent who is part of the federal system.

“Would you know anything about falling out of the sky?” Phil asks.  “We’ve received reports about the clouds radiating what-ever-the-hell-our-lab-techs call it." He puts a folder on the table across from the picture. "And you, of all people, were brought to the hospital on that day.”

“I didn’t hear what day you’re talking about.” Loki noted

“Monday 9th.” Phil said.  Phil taps his fingers on the table in a manner not usually seen on Television. “I find it strange you survived a car crash.” Loki's face changed to a 'how would you know?' kind of face.  “We’re the good guys; S.H.I.E.L.D.”

Loki frowns.

“Eighteen years ago a Midgardian made the exact claim.” Loki said, flipping over the paper.  “And I am not convinced.”

 “Specific.” Phil notes. “So you are the god of mischief—“

“Was.” Loki sharply corrects Phil.

Phil could tell by the ink on Loki’s hand that he had been drawing. Phil glances away from the inked hand. He looks down to the drawing with a man similar to a figure straight out a book from a Norwegian culture. The similarities were very remarkable.

“Ever heard of Mr.Odd?” Phil asks. 

Loki frowns.

“That Midgardian.” Loki said with much angst. “That midgardian who ddn’t come for his meeting.” He had this hateful tone to it. “I am not acquainted with him.”

“Well, you should be.” Phil said.

“Why?”  Loki asks.

“He’s one of you.” Phil said, waving his hand at the ceiling.

“Be specific.” Loki said with a frown.  “Which one?” It seemed as though Phil Coulson had lost some brain cells.  "Don't play games with me.'

“.  .  . You can't be pulling a trick question.” Phil said. “There’s only one elite powerful long-living group of individuals who are respected as gods in The Norse Culture.” Phil taps on the table. “And we know there are demigods among us."

Loki laughs. He could not fathom the idea that Demigods had gone under his nose.

“There can’t be demigods just running around Midgard.” Loki said. “I would know.”

“Why?” Phil asks.

“Mischief.” Loki said.

“Speak in English.”  Phil said.

“More gods to trick.” Loki said, lifting his head up.  “You think gods cannot tell when a mortal is lying?" Loki tilts his head slightly. "I am the god of lies and mischief," Loki slides his index finger forward on the table and straightened his head. "And you are a bad liar.”

You can't lie in front of a god who's actually lived up to 'lying'.

“There’s one demigod we know of.” Phil said.   “Anyhow.” Phil played with his thumbs. Phil lifts his head up toward Loki.  “He’s an Asgardian.” No,Loki thought, he’s a Midgardian.  “Not a human like us and he, well, stole something very valuable to us."

“So valuable you come for me?” Loki asks, leaning back in his chair. 

"You are acquainted with him." Phil said.

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