Chapter 3: Opening Ardiente Origins

Start from the beginning

The Nomad was done washing the dishes, so he went to join Liv in the living room. He sat down on a recliner chair until Liv chimed in.

Liv: Luke, you have a match next week

Luke: oh yeah? Who's the unlucky victim?

Liv: Finn Balor, the Intercontinental Champion

Luke: huh, if I beat him I should get a shot at his title

Liv: it will happen because I'm in your corner!

Luke: oh, I forgot about that

Liv: please tell me you're joking

Luke slowly smiled.

Luke: I'm kidding Liv, it will be great to have you in my corner

Liv: aww, come sit here beside me

Luke stood up and sat down beside the Problem Child. Liv then held Luke's arm much to the shock of the Nomad.

Liv: I want to know something, Luke

Luke: and what is it?

Liv then bravely asked the crucial question.

Liv: why are you such an introvert? And why are you so mean?

Luke was taken aback by Liv's questions.

Liv: I'm sorry if I offended you

Luke: no no, it's fine

Liv: if you're not comfortable answering then I understand

Luke: Liv, it's okay

Liv: take your time, Luke

She massaged his shoulder and arm so he can relax. Then Luke spoke.

Luke: the reason why I'm an introvert and I'm so mean is because of my last name

Liv: what's wrong with Ardiente? It sounds like a cool last name

Luke: the name sounds cool, but it's hiding a dark secret

Liv listened as Luke tell his story.

(The picture portrays Luke's family)

Luke: the family of Ardiente were bad people and I was the good child

Liv put her arm around Luke to ease him.

Luke: my grandfather, Julio (the man in the middle of the picture) was the governor of our municipality, Poblacion Ardiente

Liv: your family has a town named after you, that's cool!

Luke: yeah, but not the people running it

Liv: go on Lukey, I'm listening

Luke: Julio ruled the town with an iron fist, the citizens feared my grandfather, and if they go against his authority or rebel, guess what's the punishment?

Liv: what?

Luke: death

Liv: oh my god

Luke: a few years later, he married a woman named Helena and the two had a daughter whom they named Emilia, (the woman in the picture) my birth mother

Liv: was she cruel as Julio?

Luke: oh yeah. When she grew up, she ruled the town as mayor and she is manipulative and wicked

Liv: and how did you got involved?

Luke: well, when "my mom" met and married a dashing man named Raul, my birth father. Then a couple of months later, Emilia gave birth to two sons, me and my older brother Arnaldo.

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