Chapter 21: A Murderer

Start from the beginning

"Axel Thanos-Romano." I leaned forwards and growled lowly, "Now. Where. Is. He."

I watched as she gulped and stuttered out, "I- I'll get him fo- for you." She scurried away and I sat back onto the stool.

Not even five minutes later until a man around my parents' age came strolling out from the back hall towards me with a smile on his face. He had strawberry blond hair, pale skin, and green eyes. He stood about a few inches shorter than me but made up for it in the bulk of his muscles. "Axel! How are your parents," he asked as if we were old pals.

I quickly stood and grabbed onto the front of his shirt collar, demanding, "Where is she?!"

Benjamin's smile dropped and his eyes widened as he asked, "Who?"

"Lux! She has a head of brown messy waves, brown eyes, full lips, a face full of freckles, a willowy body, and as tall as to the bottom of my chin! Her nose is like a button, housed between two high cheekbones and an aura that can draw any man to his knees. She's been taken and the van that drove away with her is in your lot! Now tell me where she is!" I was getting ready to beat the answers out of this man when he held his hands up in surrender.

"Show me the van and I can see what I can do, but I promise you, I do not have her and did not send for her capture."

I sighed and let him go, watching as he straightened out himself before leading me back out the front door. "You are very much like your parents, I see," I heard Benjamin mumble ahead of me. We walked out towards the van and I pointed to it. "This one?" I nodded and he inspected it. He looked at the license plate and sighed while running his hands though his hair. "Good news, I know who has her. Bad news, I've been so out of the loop that I am unsure of their new location." I was about to yell at his ass for his incompetence but he held his hand up. "Lucky for us, I still have some friends in the family that I trust and could help us out."

He led me back in and led me back down the back hall towards his office. "When will you get their location?"

"In not too long." He sat behind his desk and quickly dialed a number.

A quick thought came over me and I drew my gun, pointing it at his head. He rose an eyebrow and I explained, "Making sure you don't send out a warning to your family and actually do what you said you would do."

He nodded in understanding and put his focus into his phone call. "Hey, Jim. I need a big favor from you."



The metal door creaked open and a familiar brunette popped his head in. I blinked my eyes free of tears as confusion filled my body. "B- Brian," I whispered in disbelief. "What- What are you doing here?" Quickly my mind remembered my tied up state. "Can you help untie me? Is Axel with you? How did you guys find me? I was so scared that-"

My ramblings were cut off with a raise of his hand. His face was void of emotions as he widened the door and led in another man and a woman. The man frightened me the most with his bulging muscles the size of my head, sneer on his lips, and the evil glint in his eyes. The woman, on the other hand, looked poise with no care in the world. While Brian and the man were dressed in jeans and t-shirts, she was dressed in a pant suit that was so out of place from our current location.

"Ah," the woman purred in delight. "You must be the infamous Lux Catelani. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." She held out her manicured hand but then chuckled to herself. "Oh, right. You're tied up." She obviously has some screws loose. Tears started to brim my eyes again as I felt hopelessness wash over me. The woman started to circle me like I was prey and she was a predator ready to strike. "My dear, there's no reason to cry." I felt her hand land on my shoulder and I flinched. "I just want you to answer some questions and maybe then I will let you free." I highly doubt she would. She quickly removed her hand, making me flinch once again, and placed her palm against her cheek. "Oh, dear. Where are my manners. I'm Erica Coulter, Brian's mother and the Don of the Silver Bullets."

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